Friday, October 9, 2009

It Might Get Loud

Ok, deep breath. I've got that funny feeling in my stomach that's excitement and anxiousness all rolled in a ball that's spinning furiously.

A movie I've been waiting to see is finally in Fargo. "It Might Get Loud" is a documentary featuring guitarists Jack White, The Edge, and...Jimmy Page!! I've probably mentioned it before, but it bears stating again, I LOVE Jimmy Page. As in, if I had been a teenager/young adult in the 70's (so disappointed sometimes that I grew up in the 90's), I so would have been one of those girls following Led Zeppelin around the country in the hopes that Jimmy Page would notice me, fall madly in love with me, then take me back to England. Actually, even now, there are some days that I still hope this happens. I think he's still gorgeous, even at 65. I know, I know. I'm married, I have a daughter...but, a girl can fantasize now and then, no? *Sigh*

Anyhow, back to what I was originally talking about. I don't know if it's fate or coincidence, but this movie being in Fargo comes at a very "Led Zeppelin" moment in my life. Now, my husband and my friend V would say my life is always Led Zeppelin, but I really haven't been listening to them all that much lately. But, last night their biography on the Biography channel was on. Now, I've been waiting for a Zep biography for the longest time, wasn't even sure if one existed. And, last night, there it was. Then, today I had a meeting for work, so to get into my happy place I played Led Zeppelin all morning. Then, my co-worker told me that this movie was in Fargo this weekend. Cha-ching!!

So, the plan is to see the movie tonight. I am soooo happy! I don't even care if it sucks (which it won't) because I'll get to see Jimmy Page and hear him play. A evening with Jimmy Page, I couldn't ask for much more...well, maybe if it was actually in person, but I'll take what I can get. Until next time...

Posters for the Movie


And because it's my blog...

Again, *sigh*.