Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon (reprise)

Finally! New Moon opened in theaters midnight yesterday morning (or Thursday night for people like me). Since that is way past my bedtime for a Thursday night, my sister and I decided to see it last evening. The stories were already circulating on Facebook that the showings in Fargo for last night were sold out. However, nobody ever seems to remember the Breckenridge theater...thankfully. After some coordination with my sister on how early she could leave work and with my brother in persuading him to buy some advance tickets for us, we were in! Since we were crunched for time, we arrived at the theater with 5 minutes to spare. There was a line out the door, down the sidewalk and to the street, but we walked into the other door, gave our tickets to the attendant, and walked in like VIP's. That feeling soon ebbed as we entered the actual theater because it was PACKED. I told my sister that we may have to sit in separate rows, but she refused that idea quickly. So we used the other door, looked up and down the rows and found 2 seats 4 rows from the back in the middle of the row. Perfect!

Surveying what I could of the theater I found out that the rest of our other movie-going audience comprised of a good majority of girls much younger than myself. I did know this going in, so I prepared myself for the requisite tween oohs and ahs, shrieks, giggling and other attributed behavior. They didn't disappoint on that front which, even though I was prepared, was still annoying.

All in all, I loved the movie. I really want to see it again soon, but will probably wait until the DVD comes out. There were some really cheesy parts, but I suppose that's par for the course. And, I could have done without the experience of immature girls giggling at certain points in the film, that definitely didn't warrant laughter, but I expected nothing less. In the end, it was worth the time and trouble. Doubly actually since I think this movie was way better than the first. Better acting, more humor, and far superior special effects. I'm happy I got to see it on the big screen.

Now I can hardly wait for Eclipse next summer. If only they would have adults only screenings when it comes out. I guess that would be too much to ask, huh?

new moon Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where is My Mind?

I have the shortest attention span when it comes to certain things. Like just now, I am attempting to do something for work, but had a different window open on my computer. I needed to minimize it before continuing, but something caught my eye before I could. So then I start reading, flipping through different tabs. A few minutes go by before my brain reminds me that I had something more pressing to do before I got lost in cyberspace. Whoops!

I do that at home too. I'll be trying to accomplish something, walk into a different room to get something, something catches my eye, and soon I've completely thrown the original task to the wayside. After minutes or hours, I'll come upon the original task I started only to realize the day is too far gone to finish it. I shuffle the stuff off to the side to attack it again some other time.

I really don't think I have ADD, but sometimes....Oh, excuse me I got distracted. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!!

A few pics from the past weekend. I love how Halloween brings out the crazy in us all. I didn't really dress up this year because I was undecided about going out. But, for those who did, I applaud you. Your costumes were awesome!

Cochese and Pimpin' M

Terrifying banana & Cochese

My favorite hippies

Cenex guy & a Wascally Wabbit

Freakin' at the Freaker's Ball

That's me and my husband in the Blues Brothers masks

Ishmael & Roy Bunson

Our DJ for the evening

Uh-oh! Busted! :)

Elvis, me & Cher (a few too many beers by this time - evidenced by the hat)