Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I see that my last Thankful Thursday was the beginning of June. Oops. Summer has flown by, and I seem to have put this on the back burner. Didn't mean to... But, I'm here now to rectify the situation, for this week anyway. Ha.

What I'm thankful for this week:

1. A healthy, happy, beautiful 3-year old social butterfly. My daughter has her moments (she's 3 after all), but the rest of her moments totally outshine the no-so-great moments. Before I had her, I never thought I'd have kids. Now, I couldn't imagine life without her. Love you my sweet girl!!

2. My husband for buying me a new work car. It was very much needed and is very much appreciated. It's nice to drive down the road and not feel every bump jar your entire body.

3. Answered prayers. Two classmates (who also happen to be good friends) adopted a baby boy earlier this month. They've wanted to be parents for so long, and now they have been blessed with a perfect little boy. It is truly a testament for good things happening to good people. I am so happy for them!

4. Ambition. Mine comes in fits and spurts, but when I have it I can take on the world. When I don't, well no requests or dedications please.

5. Not drinking a lot of beer on softball nights. Two beers on a Wednesday night leads to a much happier and productive Thursday. I wish I was always that smart.