Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You Can't Buy My Love

Since I've been listening to this cd too, I thought I'd post one of the songs from it. Actually, I've decided to post two videos, one being the official video and another being a live video.

Oh, Robert Plant. He's been described so many times and in so many ways, although "Golden God" seems to crop up the most. Although Jimmy Page is my favorite Led Zep alum (and my favorite musician overall, but that's neither here nor there right now), I do love Robert Plant's solo music. And, I really am enjoying his Band of Joy album. Anyone expecting Led Zeppelin might be in for a disappointment (much the same as his and Alison Krauss' Raising Sand from a couple of years ago). However, I love the muted beauty of the songs on the album. Some of them are kind of David Lynch-ie, and if you've seen his movies, you'll know what I mean. However, the whole album stands up as far as I'm concerned.

I saw him and Jimmy Page (swoon) in Fargo in the late 90's, but our seats were not great, and although I remember being at the concert and enjoying it, it doesn't stand out in my memory (I wasn't as into Zeppelin at the time as I am now; they were my boyfriend's band). Do I kick myself now for not paying more attention? You bet I do.

Anyhow in January, tickets went on sale for Robert Plant's show in the Cities in April. I hemmed and hawed about it for a couple of weeks trying to decide if I should go. After convincing myself I really needed to see him, and then convincing my husband of the same (he could care less), I decided to see what I could find for tickets, which turned out to be none. Sold out. Well almost, we could each still go but we wouldn't get to sit together. Not exactly ideal. Cue kicking myself again.

So, that's where I stand. I asked Lee if he would be willing to get tickets for the show at the Greek Theater in L.A., which would actually kill two birds with one stone, since I would love to see a show at the Greek. He declined however...unless we win the lottery in the very near future. I'm not going to hold my breath. So, for now I'll have to assuage myself with videos and pretend I'm there. A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bereft of Inspiration

Winter leaves me so uninspired. Being trapped inside all of the time saps all my energy, creative and otherwise. And, living in a small town provides little in the way of entertainment, unless you like high school basketball (which I do) or going to the local bar (which really isn't feasible usually and not usually the best idea anyhow). So, I spend a lot of time at home when I'm not at work, watching t.v., reading, browsing the web. But, I'm beyond ready for winter to come to an end. I don't necessarily have cabin fever, just an itch for awakened plants, warm sunshine and fresh air. We got a small taste of it last week before Mother Nature came back from vacation and sourly ripped it away. Winter has returned, and it makes me none to happy. So I wait, impatiently, for above freezing temps to return and the blessing that is Spring.

To keep in touch with this blog more, I think what I may "try" to do is post a video of a song, that I've been listening to, every day (or more realistically, every few days). If you like it, great. If not, well, it's my blog. :) Of course, finding the video may prove to be more difficult than I anticipate. Oh well, I've got time on my hands.

Today's song: "Loving Cup" by the Rolling Stones from Exile on Main Street.