Friday, January 8, 2010


Celebrity Rehab

As soon as I said I would never watch another reality show, my friend V told me I needed to tune into the season premiere of Celebrity Rehab last night. She said I needed to get a glimpse of Heidi Fleiss, or more accurately what was left of Heidi Fleiss. Now, I didn't watch the whole thing because of my ban on reality televison. However, I did stay long enough to know that the newest members of Rehab are Dennis Rodman (it was only a matter of time), Mackenzie Phillips (what is this, like her 43rd trip to rehab?), Mindy McCready (sp?), Heidi Fleiss, some dude from Alice in Chains (I got to see them poke around in an abscess on his ass. TMI you say? YOU didn't see it [or maybe you did]. Beyond gross.), and some other goofy looking dude who I should know, but don't (sad how fame really is fleeting).

After just catching a glimpse of Heidi Fleiss and hearing that she had just done speed before checking in, I quickly checked out. I don't know what she's done to her face, but the end result is pretty horrifying. It was a prime case of plastic surgery gone wrong. All in all, another crop of messed up has-beens. Not that I couldn't sit and watch this soap opera play out, but it all makes me feel really uncomfortable, and there was a good book calling my name.

I hope that the residents truly do get clean and healthy during their stay. They certainly need it. But, I know my hope is futile. Sadly, this may be their last bit of fame before their obit prints in the L.A. Times. I hate to be morbid, but it's the truth. Although many of them sought the spotlight, in the end the glare of it has been their greatest downfall.

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