Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ok, I've never been one to get sappy publicly, but I thought I would try to start my own trend of Thankful Thursdays (not an original idea of mine by any means). I want to do this for myself to keep things in perspective. I have a tendency to see the glass as half-empty and carry a why-me attitude every now and then. So, by writing down things that I'm thankful for in my life, hopefully I can give my attitude an adjustment. Or not (see the pessimist?). But, it's giving it a shot and taking the first step that will put me on the path to eternal happiness...ok even I don't believe that. But, it is a start to a better me. Very self-help section. Anywho here goes:

My 5 things I'm thankful for today (and I decided to go with the obvious ones today since I'm a newbie):

1. My family.
2. My friends.
3. Music - I cannot express enough how important music is to my well-being. You know how it soothes even the most savage beast? Yeah, that's me.
4. My health.
5. My home.

There it is for today. Now, I will try to remember to do it next week. Perhaps I should put it on my calendar...

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