Monday, January 10, 2011


I really didn't know a lot about Saturday's tragedy in Arizona until today. I had heard different news reports about it, but I tend to tune out bad news until I feel I can handle reading or hearing about it. So, today, the consuming news on the Today show (my morning staple as I get ready for work) was dealing with the shootings this weekend.

A sidenote: It makes me incredibly sad that it seems all too much nowadays that these stories are becoming so common.

Anyhow, the main story, of course, was the current condition of Representative Giffords. For now the doctors remain cautiously optimistic, which is the best news they can give at this time.

But, the story that keeps sticking with me and brings me to tears concerns the little 9-year old girl that lost her life: Christina Green. She was born on September 11, 2001, so her all-too-short life has been bookended by tragedy. She was there because of her growing interest in politics, and she wanted to meet the U.S. Representative from her district. One of those cases of being in wrong place at the wrong time.

Whenever I hear tragic news stories involving children, I think about a parent's worst nightmare of having to lose a child. And, I immediately put myself in that place. When I think about losing Sofia, it scares me to the point of immobilizing terror. I can literally feel my heart catch, and the wind is completely knocked out of me. I don't know how you go on after something like that.

And, what was the point of all of this? Was it actually politically motivated? Is the suspect just crazy? From what I've read, there were numerous signs pointing to his instability. In the end, and for whatever reason, he did what he did. But, once again, you're left to ask why? And, there will never be a good enough answer.

Because there is no reason big enough in the world to take someone else's life. Not a one. Destroying someone's life, and then in turn the lives of their families and friends is heartless and unforgivable.

Forgive this rambling piece. My thoughts are everywhere concerning this, trying to make sense out of something that has no sense. The puzzle pieces never come together concerning tragedies like this.

Rest in peace to those who lost their lives. Hope and prayers to those who are still fighting for theirs. And, prayers to the families who lost loved ones. I wish there was more that could be given.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to every single thing you wrote. Makes my heart just ache with heaviness...
