Saturday, March 28, 2009


After my daughter, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen is Jimmy Page playing guitar at Madison Square Garden in 1973. I wish I could have seen it in person.

Watching an eagle fly purely for its own enjoyment is truly magnificent and awe-inspiring.

Seeing the Eagles perform "Hotel California" in person was almost a religious experience for me.

True happiness is getting a hug and a kiss from my daughter.

People who are judgmental of others should take a close look in a mirror. Then, take a second look.

You can call Mother Nature all kinds of names with all kinds of threats, but she'll still best you in the end.

And, she has a sadistic sense of humor at times.

The more anxious you are for something to happen, the longer it takes to actually happen.

I could and probably will read "Twilight" over and over and never tire of it. Nor will I ever tire of Edward Cullen. Vampire or not, he's still the finest and most romantic hero of any story I've ever read.

On that same note, I think it would be cool to be a vampire. I'm not interested in drinking blood, but immortality would suit me just fine. I fear death. The kick-ass strength and speed would be pretty awesome too.

Again on that same note, I believe I'm finally going through a teenage girl obsession with "Twilight" and everything to do with it. I was never a normal teenage girl. Just like I'm not a normal adult female.

If you ever want to witness pure stupidity, drive on the highway after it's been covered with frozen rain and snow. There will always be some idiot in a 4-wheel drive vehicle driving along like it's the middle of summer. That is a North Dakota guarantee.

Many people lament the failings of small town businesses due to larger retail stores in larger towns. These same people rarely shop at the small town businesses.

If you ever want to see humanity at its best and an example of steadfast resolve, give the people of North Dakota a disaster to get through. They prove me right time and time again.

Watching the F-M Acro Team perform to the theme from "Rocky" makes me cry every time.

I feel sorry for people with no sense of humor. A life without silly joy has to be a miserable existence.

I also feel sorry for people without music in their life. Few things in life give me pure joy, but music is one of the few.

When I listen to Jim Morrison sing, I wish I could take his voice and wrap it around me like a blanket.

I'll stop with these for now, there will always be more odd thoughts that flit through my mind.

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