Thursday, September 17, 2009

Third New Moon Trailer

Here's a new New Moon trailer. I guess this debuted on the VMA's the other night, but I couldn't watch it because I cannot stand new music these days. So, since I wasn't up for torture that night, I avoided it even though I knew there was going to be some New Moon shenanigans going down. Thankfully there are places such as YouTube to get my fix elsewhere. So, here is another New Moon preview. Have I mentioned I'm super-stoked to see this in November? CANNOT wait!

By the way, I don't mind seeing Robert Pattinson (Edward) with his shirt off either. Not at all.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Over the Hills and Far Away

I must have music playing while working. So, I have a classic rock radio station streaming online from my computer. Today, the song "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Led Zeppelin (in case you weren't sure) came on. It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite Zeppelin songs. Now, I probably hear that song every other day at work, but today I paused for a bit while it played. It was at the part when Jimmy Page's (love him so much) solo began. I can't describe the solo in words, but it instantly transported me back to when I was 15.

My cousin and I had just discovered classic rock and although I can't speak for her, my mind was blown away with all this "new" music I was hearing. Modern rock radio at that time had kind of turned to crap. I've mentioned before how much I hate hair metal. Well, we were in the midst of that, and I'd had enough. Nirvana hadn't become known in my dinky town yet, so I was at a particular musical juncture. Now, my dad loves music like I do, so I'd already been exposed to music from the 60's and 70's. I had lived and breathed The Doors for about a year and half, so I was stoked to find a radio station that played them...and so many others. It was revolutionary in my small-time existence. I was hooked.

Once particular band my cousin and I took to immediately was Led Zeppelin. "Good Times Bad Times", "Dancing Days", "Houses of the Holy", and "Over the Hills and Far Away" would be sung loudly while we cruised around town. I lived and breathed the lyrics, notes, and melodies.

"Over the Hills" holds a particular place in my heart though, because I have a couple of clear memories of that song playing when I was 15. When I hear it, I see myself in my adolescence so clearly, as if I'm truly reliving it. Driving somewhere with my boyfriend at the time, so happy to have a bit of freedom with him even if it only lasted for a couple of hours, and that song playing in the background. To me, it was heaven. Actually, when I think about it now, it still kind of is. Not that he has to be part of it here in the present; I'm long past such feelings for him. But, I feel driving around and listening to music is, to me, heaven on earth. There is really nothing that makes me feel more content.

But, hearing those songs for the first time was incredible. It was like someone had finally turned on a light to a path that I had to travel. And, I haven't looked back. I know I make classic rock sound mythical, but to me it is. It opened my eyes completely to how music should be. And, since I was experiencing new music and first love all at once, it was magical to me. The two are ingrained in my memories together completely. I hear these songs play, and I think back to how simple life was then. When all I pretty much existed for was a good tune, someone who I enjoyed spending time with, and maybe a few beers here and there. :) And, "Over the Hills" is a song that conveys those emotions I had perfectly.

I don't think I would ever want to be 15 again. But, every now and then I don't mind reliving and remembering just how carefree and crazy I was. It was beautiful, and I miss it sometimes. Thank god for the songs that can take me back, even if it is just only for a minute or two.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Good Deed For The Day

I donated blood today. It had been a while, and I was feeling kinda guilty about not donating lately. So, I took an hour from work to go to a local church where they always have their blood drives and let them tap my arm for a while. Although there was some initial needle maneuvering they did that wasn't very comfortable (sorry for the graphics if you're queasy), it all turned out ok. It's a pretty easy process. I can't believe that for years I wouldn't do it. I think I was afraid of passing out in front of a group of people, but that hasn't happened yet. Plus, they give you cookies afterwards. :) They tell you after your donation that you saved three people, so that makes it all worthwhile, I think. So, if you have never donated, please think about doing so. I think they pretty much always seem to have a shortage, so every little bit helps. Click here to find our where you can donate.

united blood services Pictures, Images and Photos

Also, on a completely different note, the NFL has their first regular season game tonight. Although my team, the Vikings, don't play until Sunday, I'm excited none-the-less. I love, love, love football! We had our Fantasy Draft the other day, so I'm even more excited for the season to begin. My team did horrible last year, so I'm hoping we redeem ourselves this season. Anyhow, no matter which team you cheer for, Happy Football Season to you!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Almost Cut My Hair

No, that's not true. I totally cut my hair yesterday. It had been pretty much halfway (if not more) down my back, but it was starting to look kinda ragged and icky. So, I decided to bite the bullet and get a trim. While in the salon, I decided that I wanted to be a little more daring, so I told the stylist to cut it to about chin length. She did, and I have to say I really like it. The only problems I foresee are styling it (I am terrible at doing my hair) and keeping myself from running my fingers through it (a nervous habit). But, I'll get used to it. And, I got to donate the hair she did cut to Locks of Love, so that made me feel really good about the whole experiment. I would post a picture, but I'm not crazy about how I look when I take self-portraits, so I'll have to think about it. But, I wouldn't count on it. :)

One Fish, Two Fish

Pretty much every evening before my daughter goes to bed, she has me read a few books to her. I let her pick which ones, but there is always one I hope she'll select:

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Reading this aloud to her puts a smile on my face every time. A few times I will stumble over the rhyming, but I just love reading it because it's so much fun.

One of my favorite lines:

Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day, from here to there.
funny things are everywhere.

I love Dr. Seuss!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Back Pages

Thought maybe I'd update today with what I've been reading lately. Now, I don't expect anybody to use this as a suggestion list for something they should read. My choices sometimes aren't everybody's taste. Just thought I'd update with a post about my recent books.

A couple that I recently finished:

mermaid chair

my sisters keeper

"The Mermaid Chair" was an ok book. Not one of my favorites though. I did really like "My Sister's Keeper", although this book made me bawl long after I closed it for the last time. I totally didn't see the ending coming, sad as it was.

Right now, on loan from my sister, I have the first book in the "Vampire Academy" series. Also, I purchased "Dead Until Dark", the first in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Basically, I wanted to read this series because I'm interested in watching the "True Blood" series and wanted to read the books first.

vampire academy

Dead Until Dark

So, that's it in a nutshell. As you can see, I have a bit of a penchant for vampire tales, which you already know because of my obsession with "Twilight". I've also read all the "House of Night" books that are currently out. Love them too! I must just be addicted to tales of the undead. Is that wrong? No... Ok didn't think so. :)