Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Good Deed For The Day

I donated blood today. It had been a while, and I was feeling kinda guilty about not donating lately. So, I took an hour from work to go to a local church where they always have their blood drives and let them tap my arm for a while. Although there was some initial needle maneuvering they did that wasn't very comfortable (sorry for the graphics if you're queasy), it all turned out ok. It's a pretty easy process. I can't believe that for years I wouldn't do it. I think I was afraid of passing out in front of a group of people, but that hasn't happened yet. Plus, they give you cookies afterwards. :) They tell you after your donation that you saved three people, so that makes it all worthwhile, I think. So, if you have never donated, please think about doing so. I think they pretty much always seem to have a shortage, so every little bit helps. Click here to find our where you can donate.

united blood services Pictures, Images and Photos

Also, on a completely different note, the NFL has their first regular season game tonight. Although my team, the Vikings, don't play until Sunday, I'm excited none-the-less. I love, love, love football! We had our Fantasy Draft the other day, so I'm even more excited for the season to begin. My team did horrible last year, so I'm hoping we redeem ourselves this season. Anyhow, no matter which team you cheer for, Happy Football Season to you!!

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