Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday

What do you know, I forgot Thankful Thursday last week. And, the main reason being that I was hungover from softball the night before. And, after that first night of softball, I've decided I'm way too old to go out after the games. When did this happen? Live and learn, I guess. So here's this week's Thankfuls.

1. Remembering Thankful Thursday this week.

2. My new laptop. Being without internet at my house completely sucked. And, I love my new laptop and being able to look at the internet in my living room, thanks to...

3. Wireless internet. How did I ever function without this before?

4. Veteran's - living and deceased. This one should have been part of last week's Thankfuls because of Memorial Weekend, but since I forgot to do my list I'm including it now. Words cannot express the thanks we all should give for those who have fought to preserve our way of life. Thank you!!

5. Three-day weekends. Just amazing what that extra day can do for the spirit. And, when the holiday is a Monday, it's extra-great.

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