Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Here are my 5 for this week!

1. My Grandma. She turned 101 yesterday, and although her memory isn't the greatest (but really, it's over a century old), she still has the piss and vinegar of a much younger person. I love her!


2. Sunshine. I know I've used this one before, but on days like today it's hard not to be thankful again. Loving it!

sunshine face

3. Lilacs. My favorite flower. Their scent is Spring, sunshine and happiness all wrapped in (at my house) a tiny lavender flower. I wished they lasted longer than the few weeks they're around.


4. Softball. Every year I dread the approaching season because that means I'll actually have to do a tiny bit of exercise. But with our first practice last night I remembered why I play every year. Friends, fun, and occasionally a beer or two. It's the sport of summer!


5. Spending time with old friends. This goes along with softball. Even though we may live in the same town, it seems that the only time I get to see some friends is during softball season. And, it's always a good time. Love ya Kel! Can't wait for more beer drinking, pickup rides in the bomber! :)


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