Friday, May 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Oh, I know myself too well. I completely forgot about Thankful Thursday. Now, if it had been Thirsty Thursday, that would have been a completely different story. As you can see, my priorities are a bit skewed. So, here are my five for a belated Thankful Thursday:

1. My Mom - in honor of Mother's Day weekend, I give thanks for the most important woman in my life. Love you Mom!

2. Sunny days - after the past week and half (or more) of cloudy, rainy days, I could use some sunshine. It's amazing what sun will do for the soul.
sunny days

3. Coffee or instant cappuccino - since the weather has been so crappy lately, it's been pretty cold in my office. These drinks give me a bit of warmth in this deepfreeze.

4. Text messaging - I'm not much a phone-talker, but I love text messaging.

5. My iPod touch - this little gadget has saved me from Motley Crue on regular radio more times I can count, and for that there isn't enough thanks in the world.
Ipod Touch

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