Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ha! I did remember this time. After the long and emotional post below, this post is probably needed. So it goes...

1. As I stated before, I give thanks to Jim Morrison. Critics feel that he was self-destructive, quasi-mythical being too obsessed with his own image. Maybe. But, as I stated below, to me he was so much more. So critics be damned. Jim Morrison, you always have been and always will be my idol.

Jim Morrison

2. Sleep. It's been hard to come by this week. But, when I get a full night in, I truly am a different, better person. Without a proper amount, well let me just say, best keep your distance.


3. Coca-Cola. A near and dear friend. It's been with me through thick and thin. Can't say enough good about my favorite soda. And, I'm not talking diet either. No unleaded for me, thank you.

Coca Cola

4. Thursdays themselves. Just because it's one day closer to Friday. Amen.

thursday love

5. Fridays! I mean really, who doesn't love Fridays?

i love fridays baby

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