Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Two Wrongs. No Rights.

In the office today. One of the residents stopped in with her three little boys. I would guess the ages to be around 3, 1 1/2 and a newborn. Her hands were full, literally, as she held her newborn the entire time. I had sent out a "pink slip" regarding their utilities, and she was wondering if it would be ok to pay the next week, as her fiancee would be getting paid that Tuesday. I told her that as long as a payment would be coming in, next Tuesday would be fine.

She had a few more questions, though. As she explained her situation, she tried to corral her older boys as they acted their age. Currently, they rent their house, but a root is working its way into their underground pipes and causing water problems. She questioned whether this should be their expense, or if it is the responsibility of the owner. She was unsure of the cost, but stated that they had already paid for a temporary fix, which is why they were behind on their bills. She knew a permanent repair would not be cheap. I told her that it would be the responsibility of the owner. She figured that, but said that the owner never returned her calls. We talked about this a bit more, then she brought up a house they had signed a contract for deed for. I already knew about this situation. The owner of the house, they are purchasing never, paid his utility bill, so we turned the water off. Somehow, the water was turned back on before winter, the pipes froze and broke, and then hundreds of thousands of gallons of water ran into the basement. This resulted in a huge water bill, which the owner is responsible for. But, he never told this couple that. And, the taxes are behind, which he'd said he'd paid. I let her know that I would think that due to his neglect of relaying this information to them, or his outright lie if he said everything was taken care of, would be grounds for contract termination. She was going to look into it. She gathered up her little ones and left the office.

Now, all of this doesn't really involve me. Aside from the current payment due on their utility bill. But, I feel bad, all the same. I feel bad that this young family has to deal with people who are less than honest or ethical. People that aren't willing to do their part. People that make is so much harder for others. People who create defeat for others who weren't aware they were playing some twisted game.

What can be done? As far as I can see, this couple should be able to get out of their contract. The owner should be liable for the damage. Will it happen? Will fairness win? My current outlook on humanity is pretty bleak, so I'm leaning towards no. But, maybe I'll be wrong. Maybe the wrongs will be righted. Maybe, just maybe, the right things will be done in each situation. C'mon humanity. Prove me wrong about you. Please.

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