Friday, February 5, 2016

Easing Back In...

I need a creative outlet. And my jewelry/candle/woodwork making efforts have been fruitless, thus far. I guess you would actually have to plant a seed, in order to bear fruit, but that's neither here nor there right now. So, back to writing it is. I know how to do it. I just don't ever take the time to do it. And, really, who's reading anyway?

As I now work from home a majority of the time, I rarely interact with people over the age of 3 or of the non-feline persuasion. Although that relationship is toxic and strained. She's an asshole, and she holds forth that the feeling is mutual. But, she needs me for food, so I hold the proverbial ace card (not trump card, because the very word gets my blood pressure up).

So, bottom line: I hope to at least put words to virtual paper quite a bit more than I have in the past few years. But, I'm not holding my breath. Nor should you. I'm an erratic writer at best, or possible just lazy. Whatever floats your boat.

Right now, I'm going to go float my boat with a glass of wine. It's 5 o' clock. It's North Dakota. To quote an old Budweiser tagline, it's what we do.

Later taters.

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