Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Things

This was a little something on Facebook that I filled out this morning. It was 25 random things about me, my likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, etc. I just thought it would give you a little peek into my psyche. Enter if you dare...

1. I love my family & friends.

2. I hate conflict but love to argue.

3. I love, love, love music, especially classic rock.

4. I seriously think I was born in the wrong decade, I should have been a teenager/young adult in the 70's.

5. I am in love with Jimmy Page (Jimmy Page in the '70s, not today). :) See above.

6. I am embarrassed I just said #5 "out loud".

7. My favorite thing to do is country cruise, drink beer, and listen to tunes.

8. I am really worried about my Grandma right now.

9. I worry that I'm not a very good mom. I really don't know what I'm doing.

10. I am fiercely protective of my daughter and will maim anyone who tries to hurt her.

11. I dream about being the lead singer in a rock band. Yup, embarrassed again.

12. I still want to be a d.j. at a rock station.

13. My father and I butted heads regularly when I was a teenager, but I've realized I become more like him every day, and I always loved him.

14. I often wonder if there is such a thing as a soul mate.

15. I love to read.

16. Jim Morrison is my idol.

17. I hated breast feeding with a passion but would do it again for my child (Wow, that was out of left field, even for me).

18. I am very moody.

19. I am afraid of not living anymore, being dead. It actually keeps me up at night and terrifies me to my very core.

20. I can't turn off my mind at night to sleep.

21. I slept with my baby security blanket until I graduated from college.

22. I know I'm weird and different but really don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

23. I was in 7th grade when I realized #22. It was life changing.

24. But, I can get my feelings hurt easily too.

25. I love my eyes and am glad that my daughter has them too.

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