Monday, January 26, 2009

Jennie's Addiction

I am an addict. Not to any chemical substance, nothing like that. I'm an addict to a series of books that I only recently became aware of. But, I'll begin with a little background first.

When it comes to music, movies, and books, I jump into things wholeheartedly that I love. I always have. When I was younger, I would watch certain movies over and over, read books 2, 3, or more times, listen to a song, rewind the tape, and listen to it again. I've seen the movie "Rocky" more than 30 times, read the Sweet Valley High series through more than once (some books many times), heard "Light My Fire" thousands of times. Anyone who knows me a little knows how much I love Jim Morrison. Besides owning many t-shirts bearing his face, I have every Doors cd, posters, videos, numerous books (that I've read over and over), basically whatever I could get my hands on. I even took a graduation photo with all my Doors stuff. Obsession is probably what it would have been called. I called it a hobby. But, again, that's a different story for another time. Long story short, I was gung-ho. It's how I am.

So that leads me to my latest addiction, the "Twilight" series. For Christmas my sister gave me the novel "Twilight". When I first opened the gift, I was a little curious. If I'd heard about the book, it wasn't registering with me. She explained that it was the novel that teenage girls were going nuts for, that the movie they had just released about it had girls lining up hours beforehand to see it. She had never read it, but one of her students had, and she had told her it was a love story between a girl and a vampire. I was intrigued.

I started reading it a few days afterward. I started it like any other book I had ever read, reading fast. I've always been a fast reader (I think it has to do with the limited patience I have, which I talked about earlier), but I soon was reading faster than I had read any previous book, scanning the page rapidly, then turning the pages quickly. I would sometimes read things in too much of a hurry because I would get confused at certain parts and have to turn the pages backwards and start rereading to figure out the characters' situation.

I would start reading when I would put my daughter to bed, which would only give me about an hour and a half. Then, I would have to force myself to close the book and go to bed. I would be anxious the next day, waiting until I could start reading again. But, I had a new feeling of anxiousness reading this book that I'd never felt before. I didn't want to the story to end. Rationally, I knew it didn't end with that first book, anyhow. There were 4 books in the series, but I didn't have them. Without going into too much detail (Ha!), I finally procured the last 3 novels of the series. I finished the second book in one day. While waiting for the final 2 to arrive in the mail (the books I talked about in a previous post), I decided to reread the 1st novel. My husband thought I was nuts, but I needed to nurse the addiction while I waited. I also wanted to reread it slower in case I missed anything the first time (which I did). Then, before starting the 3rd, I reread a few of the final chapters in the 2nd one. I'm now more than halfway through the 3rd installment, dreading finishing it but anxious to get to the final novel.

There is a reason why I dread finishing this series. I'm in love with the story of the 2 main characters, and I don't want it to end. I've always been a sucker for a love story, even the most unhappy ones (i.e. Romeo and Juliet), but this one is different in a way that I can't put my finger on. There is something about the love of Edward and Bella that has me totally enraptured. I know when I finish the last novel, I'll start the 2nd one again and go through the series once more. And, in time, I know I'll read all 4 books again. The obsession will rear its ugly head once again, but I don't care. I just love Edward and Bella's story, addiction be damned. And, reading is only a hobby anyway, right?


Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

P.S. I had read somewhere that the author was working on a followup to the series in a retelling of "Twilight", only told in Edward's words. I looked into it, and it is true. But, before she could publish it, someone leaked out chapters on the internet. She was understandably upset by this and has put off completing Edward's novel indefinitely. This breaks my heart. My one saving grace about finishing this series (which is almost causing me physical pain) was that I would have something else to look forward to. And, now I don't know when or if that will even happen. I'll just have to hold out hope...and patience. Okay, just hope. At least the movie is coming out on DVD soon. That should be the fix I need for now.

And, in case you were wondering: Yes, I am this melodramatic all the time. I just don't usually express it outwardly, keeping it firmly entrenched in my mind. People find me a little less crazy that way. Aren't you the lucky ones? :)

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