Monday, January 19, 2009

I Watch Too Much TV

(I originally wrote this January 9 on my Facebook page, but thought I would copy it to here also.)

Although this may turn into a Dennis Leary-type rant, I need to express my anger somewhere. Here goes...

Yesterday, while reading the Fargo Forum, I came across an article that said due to negotiations between Hoak Media and DirecTV falling through, KXJB Channel 4 would be removed from my channel lineup starting at 5 p.m. What in the hell?!? After further investigation, I found out that Hoak Media wants DirecTV to pay more to them for the right to broadcast CBS. Apparently they feel they should be receiving the same monetary compensation as affiliates in L.A. or Chicago, as explained by General Manager Charley Johnson.

Now, hold the phone. I am not going shun my proud North Dakota roots and crap on Fargo, but last time I checked our largest city was not exactly in the big-league size as Los Angeles. Not even close. So, I don't understand how they feel they should be getting the same as those affiliates. And, Hoak isn't even willing to let DirecTV broadcast KXJB while they continue to negotiate. So, fade to black.

But, I write this note, not as a bitch-slap towards Hoak Media or Charley Johnson (although I think they each may deserve one), but as a loyal television viewer. I love that electronic device that sits on its perch in my living room. And, I love CBS shows. CSI, Cold Case, Two and Half Men, so many more that beam into my living room every night. I am pissed off that they were taken away from me. I'm pissed that I cannot watch two NFL football games this weekend. And, if this little pissing match continues between Hoak and DirecTV, I might not get to watch the NCAA Final Four. Now I'm super-pissed.

I know this could be a good experience for me and my husband. Addiction in any form is never a good thing. We could use this as a learning and growing experience, free from the constraints of the monkey on our back that is television. But, come on. We are who we are. We don't like change.

I just want my channel back. Right now the craving isn't too bad, but in the near future I'll need to get my CBS fix. I hope they can figure it out, or maybe DirecTV can put a different affiliate in KXJB's slot. I don't care. Whatever gets CBS streaming into my living room again is good enough for me.

I know I went on longer than I needed to. And, nobody will probably read this anyhow. But, I feel better just letting my frustration out. And, as always, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Now what's step 2?

As a footnote, Charley Johnson suggested that while we customers wait this out, we can still receive KXJB over a rooftop antenna. No problem, except everyone has removed them. Aren't they supposed to be obsolete next month? That's what a little message I see every night on KX-4 has told me. Well, until 5 o'clock last night that is.

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