Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Wonderland?

Ah, winter. As I watch the snow falling outside my window ever so nicely, I have visions such as these in my imagination:

Winter Wonderland @ Night Pictures, Images and Photos

Unfortunately I know the schizophrenia of North Dakota weather, so I know it will quickly turn to this:

blizzard Pictures, Images and Photos

and this:

blizzard Pictures, Images and Photos

Oodles of fun, no? Eh, no.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Remember Me...?

I used to write on this blog every once and a while. Well, it's been quite awhile now. I'm still here. My excuse, I guess, is that my company just recently went through a merger which has been stressful and time-consuming. In the process, my blogs took a bit of a backburner. I am going to write more often, I just don't know when. :)

Work Sucks Pictures, Images and Photos

Ah, sometimes it's so true. But, for the most part, I do enjoy my job. And, I really do like the people I work with. I'll get through this. I actually can already see the light on the other side. It's just really small right now. :) All in due time.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I see that my last Thankful Thursday was the beginning of June. Oops. Summer has flown by, and I seem to have put this on the back burner. Didn't mean to... But, I'm here now to rectify the situation, for this week anyway. Ha.

What I'm thankful for this week:

1. A healthy, happy, beautiful 3-year old social butterfly. My daughter has her moments (she's 3 after all), but the rest of her moments totally outshine the no-so-great moments. Before I had her, I never thought I'd have kids. Now, I couldn't imagine life without her. Love you my sweet girl!!

2. My husband for buying me a new work car. It was very much needed and is very much appreciated. It's nice to drive down the road and not feel every bump jar your entire body.

3. Answered prayers. Two classmates (who also happen to be good friends) adopted a baby boy earlier this month. They've wanted to be parents for so long, and now they have been blessed with a perfect little boy. It is truly a testament for good things happening to good people. I am so happy for them!

4. Ambition. Mine comes in fits and spurts, but when I have it I can take on the world. When I don't, well no requests or dedications please.

5. Not drinking a lot of beer on softball nights. Two beers on a Wednesday night leads to a much happier and productive Thursday. I wish I was always that smart.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday

What do you know, I forgot Thankful Thursday last week. And, the main reason being that I was hungover from softball the night before. And, after that first night of softball, I've decided I'm way too old to go out after the games. When did this happen? Live and learn, I guess. So here's this week's Thankfuls.

1. Remembering Thankful Thursday this week.

2. My new laptop. Being without internet at my house completely sucked. And, I love my new laptop and being able to look at the internet in my living room, thanks to...

3. Wireless internet. How did I ever function without this before?

4. Veteran's - living and deceased. This one should have been part of last week's Thankfuls because of Memorial Weekend, but since I forgot to do my list I'm including it now. Words cannot express the thanks we all should give for those who have fought to preserve our way of life. Thank you!!

5. Three-day weekends. Just amazing what that extra day can do for the spirit. And, when the holiday is a Monday, it's extra-great.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Here are my 5 for this week!

1. My Grandma. She turned 101 yesterday, and although her memory isn't the greatest (but really, it's over a century old), she still has the piss and vinegar of a much younger person. I love her!


2. Sunshine. I know I've used this one before, but on days like today it's hard not to be thankful again. Loving it!

sunshine face

3. Lilacs. My favorite flower. Their scent is Spring, sunshine and happiness all wrapped in (at my house) a tiny lavender flower. I wished they lasted longer than the few weeks they're around.


4. Softball. Every year I dread the approaching season because that means I'll actually have to do a tiny bit of exercise. But with our first practice last night I remembered why I play every year. Friends, fun, and occasionally a beer or two. It's the sport of summer!


5. Spending time with old friends. This goes along with softball. Even though we may live in the same town, it seems that the only time I get to see some friends is during softball season. And, it's always a good time. Love ya Kel! Can't wait for more beer drinking, pickup rides in the bomber! :)


Monday, May 17, 2010


I apologize in advance, but according to the "rules", this had to be the title of this post.

The rules are....
1. Put your iTunes (or other Music Player) on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

IF SOMEONE SAYS “IS THIS OKAY” YOU SAY?? With A Little Help From My Friends – Joe Cocker (yep)
WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? Lake of Fire – Nirvana (depends on my mood)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Moondance – Van Morrison (If only my s.o. was willing to dance)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE? Small Town – John Mellencamp (purpose, no – destiny, yes)
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? As Tears Go By – The Rolling Stones (ha, I am a bit emotional)
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Sorry You Asked? – Dwight Yoakam (Sometimes I truly am)
WHAT IS 2+2? Since I’ve Been Loving You – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (huh?)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS? Everlong – Foo Fighters (We have been friends a long time)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Sweet Jane – Lou Reed (Sweet, sure – Jane, nope)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin (I don’t think I’m going anywhere)
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Casey Jones – Grateful Dead (A cocaine-addicted, railroad engineer? Don’t think so.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Move Over – Janis Joplin (He does hog the bed)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Light My Fire – The Doors (I’m not sure how I should interpret this)
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Wild Horses – The Rolling Stones (Already married, this one never played but it would have been a good one)
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Cry For The Bad Man – Lynyrd Skynyrd (Nope, don’t so much care for the bad people)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Bring It On Home – Led Zeppelin (And, they should)
THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Time for Me to Fly – REO Speedwagon (I’d love to escape ND but don’t think it will be happening)
HOW WILL YOU DIE? I Don’t Know – The Replacements (true enough but not crazy about the ambiguity)
WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? The Last Time – The Rolling Stones (Which last time? The last time I got drunk? Then yes I do)
WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects (I do love a good come-uppance)
WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? It’s Good to be King – Tom Petty (Not hardly)
WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? Communication Breakdown – Led Zeppelin (We often times have one – still married)
WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Whole Lotta Love – Led Zeppelin (Actually pretty true)
DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo – Rick Derringer (Awesome whatever it means)
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? Black Mountain Side – Led Zeppelin (Eh, no)
WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? Feel Like Makin’ Love – Bad Company (Nope, don’t think so)
HOW AM I FEELING TODAY? Rough & Ready – Trace Adkins (Actually for a Monday, I am)
WILL I GET FAR IN LIFE? Night Flight – Led Zeppelin (Will I be taking this soon?)
HOW DO MY FRIENDS SEE ME? Used to Love Her – Guns N’ Roses (ouch)
WHAT IS MY BEST FRIEND’S THEME SONG? That’s the Way – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (I don’t think she’d agree)
WHAT IS THE STORY OF MY LIFE? Dazed and Confused – Led Zeppelin (so true)
WHAT WAS HIGH SCHOOL LIKE? Sideways – Citizen Cope (uh huh)
HOW CAN I GET AHEAD IN LIFE? Love Street (Follow the path of peace and love, that’s me)
WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT ME? Boogie with Stu – Led Zeppelin (I don’t think my dancing is that great)
HOW IS TODAY GOING TO BE? Down on the Corner – CCR (wha?)
WHAT IS IN STORE FOR THIS WEEKEND? Go For A Soda – Kim Mitchell (probably at some point)
WHAT SONG DESCRIBES MY PARENTS? Bye Bye Blackbird – Joe Cocker (eh?)
TO DESCRIBE MY GRANDPARENTS? Bron-Y-Aur Stomp – Led Zeppelin (um, no)
HOW IS MY LIFE GOING? Burden in My Hand – Soundgarden (yep)
WHAT SONG WILL THEY PLAY AT MY FUNERAL? Travelin’ Man – Lynyrd Skynyrd (appropriate)
HOW DOES THE WORLD SEE ME? Lie to Me – Jonny Lang (I’m usually pretty honest)
WILL I HAVE A HAPPY LIFE? Celebration Day – Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes (I guess so :D)
WHAT DO MY FRIEND’S REALLY THINK OF ME? Four Sticks – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (don’t get it)
DO PEOPLE SECRETLY LUST AFTER ME? Waiting for the Sun – The Doors (doesn’t exactly answer the ? I’ll interpret it as a no)
HOW CAN I MAKE MYSELF HAPPY? Small Town Saturday Night – Hal Ketchum (sooooo true!)
WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE? Little Ways – Dwight Yoakam (sure)
WILL I EVER HAVE CHILDREN? Couldn’t Get It Right – Climax Blues Band (bah, Sofia’s perfect)
WHAT IS SOME GOOD ADVICE FOR ME? Shine On You Crazy Diamond – Pink Floyd (Couldn’t agree more, it’s my motto)
HOW WILL I BE REMEMBERED? Straight On – Heart (I do try to tell it like it is, mostly)
WHAT IS MY SIGNATURE DANCING SONG? Long As I Can See the Light – CCR (I don’t think this song is “danceable”)
WHAT DO I THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? Young Lust – Pink Floyd (not hardly, I like the old dudes, unless I’m the “young”, then maybe)
WHAT DOES EVERYONE ELSE THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? Wonderful One – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (how sweet!)
WHAT TYPE OF MEN/WOMEN DO YOU LIKE? Flowers on the Wall – Statler Brothers (well, maybe wallflowers – Lee is kinda quiet)
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Shitlist – L7 (well ok, that pretty much sums it up. I’m out)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ha! I did remember this time. After the long and emotional post below, this post is probably needed. So it goes...

1. As I stated before, I give thanks to Jim Morrison. Critics feel that he was self-destructive, quasi-mythical being too obsessed with his own image. Maybe. But, as I stated below, to me he was so much more. So critics be damned. Jim Morrison, you always have been and always will be my idol.

Jim Morrison

2. Sleep. It's been hard to come by this week. But, when I get a full night in, I truly am a different, better person. Without a proper amount, well let me just say, best keep your distance.


3. Coca-Cola. A near and dear friend. It's been with me through thick and thin. Can't say enough good about my favorite soda. And, I'm not talking diet either. No unleaded for me, thank you.

Coca Cola

4. Thursdays themselves. Just because it's one day closer to Friday. Amen.

thursday love

5. Fridays! I mean really, who doesn't love Fridays?

i love fridays baby

When You're Strange

Last night on PBS, they showed the documentary about The Doors, "When You're Strange", narrated by Johnny Depp. Don't know if you've heard of it, but I've been waiting quite a while to be able to see this.

Watching it last night and thinking about it today, I feel like I'm 15-years old again hearing Jim Morrison's voice for the first time. And, I cannot put into words how that feels and how much it means to me. It's an emotion that's indescribable. The best way I've ever known how to put it was like this: I just wanted to crawl into Jim Morrison's voice and hide. There was always a comfort and healing that I could find when I would hear him sing. His words always seemed to sum up the apartness from others I felt as a teenager. Like he understood. It was as if Jim Morrison's voice finally gave me my own.

Now, before you go thinking the worst, let me just tell you that I have a loving family, great parents, great sisters and brothers. I had friends who are still my friends, and I cherish their friendship deeply. I was never ostracized in any way in high school, actually the opposite. I was involved in many extra-curricular activities and could never really have been categorized as a loner. Very normal.

But, here's the thing: For me to be normal took a huge amount of effort. Now, that's not to say that others didn't find me a little weird or maybe a lot weird, they did. I just didn't let my total freak flag fly, as they say. I kept most of my far-out thoughts and ideas closely to myself. I couldn't be the true and real me. So, to make me feel better, I retreated to music, and the Doors were the perfect answer. Dark, moody, weird, far-out, everything their music has been described as summed me up perfectly. All you have to do is listen to "People Are Strange" and know that Jim Morrison felt alienated from others. And, so did I. We meshed perfectly.

And, for years the Doors and Jim Morrison were my solace and my world. I have books, posters, cd's and albums, shirts, hats, whatever you like that are a testament to that. If you wanted to know what I was like as a person, listen to their music because I wore my Doors affiliation like a badge of honor. One of my senior pictures is even Doors-themed. You get the drift.

Then, one day it changed. I'm sure it wasn't just a snap of the fingers, and boom, I'm normal. Because I'm just as strange as I always was. But now, I'm happier, more content with life, less angsty. I don't know if I just grew up or just had heard "Light My Fire" one too many times, but I didn't need Jim Morrison as much anymore. And that scared the hell out of me. Not only did I feel like a traitor to some sort of legacy, but I felt like a traitor to my younger self. Before if someone asked me who my favorite band was, who my idol was, I could answer without even taking a breath, The Doors - Jim Morrison. Now that wasn't the case anymore. I wasn't the "me" I had always known. And, it made me incredibly sad. I was leaving the past behind, and with it, Jim Morrison. Or, so I thought.

Last night reminded me that he's never far from my consciousness. Just watching him, hearing him speak, hearing him sing, listening to Johnny Depp speak about his meteoric rise, eventual fall and then his death just reiterated to me how much he is a part of me. I relived all the emotions I always had concerning his life and death. He was, is, and always will be a part of me.

Jim Morrison was so many things: singer, poet, alcoholic, icon, rebel, dangerous, sex symbol, etc. But, to me, he was and is so much more. And, for that I'm so grateful. A lot of him made me who I am today.

So thank you Jim Morrison, wherever you are.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When the Music's Over

I will the first to admit that I’m not exactly up on new music. I really don’t know who’s popular right now. Not that I care, but I figured I would get the confession off my chest right away. With that being said, I do subscribe to Rolling Stone, which does keep me in the loop…somewhat. I now know names, but not necessarily the music that goes along with them.

I maybe should leave well enough alone in that respect. But, enquiring minds want to know, right?

In just about every issue they mention this chick called Ke$ha (a $ sign? Really? Should have been my first clue). I guess her song Tik Toc (or Tic Tok, I really don’t give a shit) has been like THE track to hear. So because I’m naturally curious, I looked the video up on YouTube to see what all the fuss was about.

Now, really people… If this is the way music is trending, I think the apocalypse may be upon us. WHAT is this crap? Have I really gotten so old that I just don’t understand the attraction this song has for people? Have I been turned away from modern radio for so long that a generation of music has skipped me by, and along with it good taste?

Bad Music

Artists used to write songs concerning issues that were important to them. Love, heartbreak, death, destruction, war. You know, real issues. I have to say that writing a line about brushing your teeth with Jack Daniels is a far cry from the lines concerning the Kent State shootings in CSNY’s Ohio. But, even I will admit that if you are writing about boozy teeth brushing, you do have some issues. Serious issues.

I guess my biggest bitch lies with the record companies and the music press. They don’t sell music anymore. That takes a backseat to image. Image sells. And, that’s what gets crammed down our throats. And, it’s disgusting. What’s worse is that people lap this crap up like it’s the only thing they’re being offered. But, I have to say that even if someone offers you a shit sandwich, you don’t necessarily need to eat it. Food for thought, no pun intended.

But, I’ll step off my high horse. There are some things I listen to that aren’t exactly palatable to everyone. To each their own. Just because I think this song sucks does not make it so (even though in my own head, it does). So, take a listen, tell me what you think. I’m curious to know if I’m the only one who feels this way. I doubt it, but you just never know.

Until then, I think I’ll heal my ears with some Classic Vinyl on XM. I think I hear some old, forgotten song calling my name.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Oh, I know myself too well. I completely forgot about Thankful Thursday. Now, if it had been Thirsty Thursday, that would have been a completely different story. As you can see, my priorities are a bit skewed. So, here are my five for a belated Thankful Thursday:

1. My Mom - in honor of Mother's Day weekend, I give thanks for the most important woman in my life. Love you Mom!

2. Sunny days - after the past week and half (or more) of cloudy, rainy days, I could use some sunshine. It's amazing what sun will do for the soul.
sunny days

3. Coffee or instant cappuccino - since the weather has been so crappy lately, it's been pretty cold in my office. These drinks give me a bit of warmth in this deepfreeze.

4. Text messaging - I'm not much a phone-talker, but I love text messaging.

5. My iPod touch - this little gadget has saved me from Motley Crue on regular radio more times I can count, and for that there isn't enough thanks in the world.
Ipod Touch

Friday, April 30, 2010


While reviewing my Top 25 Most Played Tracks on my iPod, I took note that only 2 of the 25 tracks were not Led Zeppelin songs. Hmmm. I know the first step is admitting you have a problem. But, what if you just don't give a shit? I happen to love my problem, especially the guy second from the right.

Led Zeppelin Pictures, Images and Photos

I would love to have a job or career that I love. Rock photo journalist, classic rock station dj, something. And, it would have to be a true classic rock station. I do not believe that Poison or Skid Row meet the merits of classic rock. To be frank, I don't believe they actually meet the merits of music, but that's just my own opinion. But, I do hope Bret Michaels does get better soon. There are so many cosmetically enhanced women that are just waiting to be his next rock of love.

dj Pictures, Images and Photos

Fridays. I have no ambition whatsoever. None.

It's Friday! Pictures, Images and Photos

There are days when I'm driving to work, and I see that open road ahead of me which makes me want to keep on driving until I get to the ocean.

California Beach

Three Sheets is my new favorite television show. I think Zane may have one of the greatest jobs ever. To get to travel all over the world and drink as your career...totally awesome. But, some of the food he has to eat too...not so awesome.

Three Sheets

I downloaded "Jolene (Live)" by the White Stripes the other day. Totally dig it, but I don't think my friend Jolene would appreciate it very much. :)

The White Stripes Pictures, Images and Photos

Speaking of the White Stripes: I love them. Jack White is (in my own esteemed opinion) a genius, and he appreciates the roots of music and builds from it. I wish more modern artists would look back to the foundations. Then perhaps, we wouldn't have the crap the music companies are putting out and forcing on us today. And no, Madonna does not qualify as a foundation for music. A foundation for poor taste? Maybe.

Jack White Pictures, Images and Photos

My new favorite band is the Black Keys. Bluesy, guitar-driven, garage rock. For only a two-piece band, they really pound out the music. I could sit and listen to them all day, preferably with a beer in hand, but I digress.

black keys Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ok, I've never been one to get sappy publicly, but I thought I would try to start my own trend of Thankful Thursdays (not an original idea of mine by any means). I want to do this for myself to keep things in perspective. I have a tendency to see the glass as half-empty and carry a why-me attitude every now and then. So, by writing down things that I'm thankful for in my life, hopefully I can give my attitude an adjustment. Or not (see the pessimist?). But, it's giving it a shot and taking the first step that will put me on the path to eternal happiness...ok even I don't believe that. But, it is a start to a better me. Very self-help section. Anywho here goes:

My 5 things I'm thankful for today (and I decided to go with the obvious ones today since I'm a newbie):

1. My family.
2. My friends.
3. Music - I cannot express enough how important music is to my well-being. You know how it soothes even the most savage beast? Yeah, that's me.
4. My health.
5. My home.

There it is for today. Now, I will try to remember to do it next week. Perhaps I should put it on my calendar...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The First Cut is the Deepest

I read blogs. Lots of blogs. I have a list on my computer of ones that I follow and ones that I will someday read, and that list is long and grows everyday. Actually it's not that much different than my list of books to read.

Why do I follow blogs? Mostly it's that I just love to read. I believe reading ANYTHING will teach you something new, whether it's reading a great novel or just reading the back of your shampoo bottle. You always learn something new.

Another reason I read blogs is because I am truly interested in how other people live, how they deal with problems, how they interact with the rest of the world, what they do for fun, etc. Reading about someone's life in NYC is pretty fascinating to me, since I've known nothing other than small town life.

I read the blogs of people I know and lots of people I don't know. Maybe that makes me a bit of a snoop, but I'm not trying to invade anyone's privacy. I'm just curious. But, I guess if you have a blog, some of your privacy is out the window anyhow. Also, I should make a point here that I follow most of these blogs anonymously because I'm too much of a chicken to make my presence known. Stupid, I know.

That being said, I just read today on one of my favorite blogs that the writer has decided to take an indefinite break because of so many hurtful comments she's received in the past few days regarding what people think she's like, how she lives, her outlook on life, everything. In her words, she's been "raked over the coals", and she's decided that to protect her heart and her head, she needs to step away. I'm disappointed on many counts. Firstly, because I really enjoy her writing. But mostly I'm disappointed because it's just more evidence of the cruelty some people inhibit.

I've never understood how people can take satisfaction out of the misery of others. How they can treat people like garbage and live with themselves. What justification does someone have in saying that a certain person deserves to be a punching bag and the world is better without them? It makes me sick, sad, mad, depressed all at the same time. If you don't like someone, avoid them. If you don't like certain music, change the station. If you don't like what someone is writing, don't read it. Pretty simple.

Maybe I'm naive. I believe the world should be worth living in, and everyone should treat others as they themselves would want to be treated. A difference in opinion should never be a deal-breaker. I don't care for country music, but I don't hate country music fans. I dislike the Dallas Cowboys, but I don't hate Cowboys fans. I may not agree with what everyone writes, but I always have the option to stop reading. It's called freedom of choice. And, it's also freedom of choice to make the decision to treat people with respect and kindness, instead of derision and meanness. Or as the old saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

It just makes me incredibly sad to know that there are people who derive happiness by treating others so terribly. What do they truly get out of it?

I mean, really, what's the point?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hop Up on the Bandwagon

Tonight I'm going to become something I always abhorred during high school: a bandwagon fan.

A little background:

I played basketball in high school. I was never a starter (I got as close as the 7th man), but I got a fair amount of playing time. We were good, and I'm not bragging when I say that. We were really good (okay maybe a little bragging). As in, we went to the state tournament three times in a row in the mid-1990's. (when I was a junior and senior, and they went again after my class graduated). One local area coach remarked, after he was asked if Milnor would be able to regroup after graduating my class of 5 players, that Milnor doesn't regroup, they just reload. We never won state, but to be one out of the 8 teams in the state tournament is a big deal. Let me rephrase, in North Dakota it's a huge deal. North Dakota Class B basketball is the king among sports in our state. Heady times in those days.

However, you always knew when it was tournament time because our hometown crowd would at least double in size during the tournament games. You would see faces in the crowd that you hadn't seen since the previous year's district, regional or state tournaments. And, I didn't really like it. You would think that having a bigger crowd to root us on would have made me happy. But, whether it was being an obstinate teenager or if it was just sour grapes, I felt slighted. Why couldn't these fans show up during the regular season games when we worked our asses off to get to where we are now? Now that it's time to receive a trophy for what we've done, now you want to see us play? Bandwagon fans. And, I didn't appreciate them one bit.

And, now here I am. A bandwagon fan. Something I told myself I would never become. My hometown (and current town) girls basketball team is playing in regionals this week. They won in a quarter-final game last night that not many people thought they stood a chance in. And, I want to send a huge Congratulations!! to them for that. The semi-finals are tonight, and I'm going to watch them play. This will be the first game I've seen all year in person, boys or girls. And, I'm pretty shamed by that fact.

Every year before basketball season starts I tell myself that I'm going to go to the games. Maybe not every game, but most of the home ones anyway. It never happens. I always decide that I don't have enough time, I'm too tired, yada-yada. Sorry excuses. And, in turn, I now realize that the "bandwagon" fans during our day are just like me. Life and time pass by fast. What was once the start of the season is now almost the end.

So, I will head to Wahpeton tonight to cheer on the Milnor Bison. Win or lose, they finished out the year strong, and that's something to be proud of.

And, I will reflect tonight on my own time spent playing and then winning the Regional Tournament. It was an awesome time, and I would never have traded it for anything in the world.

Go Bison!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day

Ah the weekend of love is upon us, and another Valentine's Day approaches. To say I am ho-hum about the whole thing is really overstating how much I care about Valentine's Day. I think I used to care, but that would have been many, many years ago. Now it's just another day, sadly kinda like my birthday.

I know that there are people out there in love with love. Hallmark has made mega-bucks with the promotion of this particular holiday. Cards, flowers, chocolates galore! You can't walk into any store without being bombarded with the fact that you need to get on the ball and get your sweetie something special. And, for your effort, your love shall be eternal. All because you plopped down $10 on a card, whose uttering of love was written by someone else, and a cheap box of chocolates. I can feel the romance in the air. Can't you?

Maybe it's just sour grapes on my part. I haven't received a Valentine's-branded gift in years. My husband doesn't show his love with flowers and candy. He does it by making most of the meals in our house, giving our vehicles oil changes, and trudging in the snow to cut wood to keep our house warm in the winter, among other things. He may not be the most romantic person in the world, but I'm not either. I like candy, but we still have stockpiles of Sofia's Halloween candy left. I like flowers, but they only last for a few days. I don't need the usual trappings of Valentine's to know that I'm loved. I'm quite content without.

There you have it. I'm not anti-Valentine's Day, but I don't mark the day on my calendar with a giant red heart either. It will come and go. I do love love, but I'm not shelling out to Hallmark to prove it. They're doing just fine without me.

Just a note to those of you who do like flowers: Do not ever, under any circumstances, ever mention to your significant other that you think flowers are impractical. You will never receive another one again. Never. I am living proof. Ok, there are some sour grapes. But, I digress.

So for those of you who care:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Nothing too big. Just decided to change my moniker. Small town girl was fairly simplistic, and I had originally decided to title my blog as that because I really am not all that creative. But, I wanted something different, so I turned to where I always turn for answers: music. As you know (because I've beaten you all into submission with it), I love Led Zeppelin, so I decided to go that way. I debated calling this blog Tangerine Tales (decided that was definitely not me), Black Dog, or What Is And What Should Never Be (still kind of partial to this one). But, in the end, I settled on Over the Hills and Far Away. I like it because, not only is it one of my favorite songs, but also because it can describe a place, a state of mind, or any of the other generalities of my life. So there you have it, what is old becomes new me anyway. I am still a small town girl, can't escape that fact. But, I'm now over the hills and far away. Unless the Led Zeppelin legal team decides otherwise and issues me a cease and desist order. That wouldn't be the coolest.

Although maybe it could be my ticket to meeting them...yeah, I seriously doubt it too. I'll have to keep scheming to make that particular dream come true.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chicken Spaghetti Recipe

Because I rarely cook and because this was the first recipe I ever went free-style on, I thought I better record it for posterity. It actually turned out really well. Delicious even. And, although I almost blew up the stove (I think it was pissed at me - I've ignored it for quite awhile. Who was I to think I could cook on her? The very idea.), the meal turned out. This happened in the middle of boiling chicken (I didn't even know you could do that. How ignorant am I?). But, after Lee did some handyman work, we were back up and running, no worse for the wear. And, I actually fed my family. Score! But, I haven't done it since. Fail. Oh well, I'll give her another go soon. However, I will be donning some protective gear next time in case the stove wants to get up in my business again. Not in, Lee's kitchen.

Chicken Spaghetti

1 (7 ounce) package ready cut spaghetti
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1 (10.75 ounce) can cheddar cheese soup, undiluted
1 (10.75 ounce) can cream of chicken soup, undiluted
1 can diced tomatoes w/chile peppers, drained
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or salt (I used powder because that's all I had)
1/4 tsp. onion powder
A pinch of salt (I have a low tolerance for salt, so I use a minimum)
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

1. Bring large pot of salted water to a boil. Add chicken, then turn down to a simmer. Let simmer about 20-25 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. - If stove blows a fuse, this step may take a little longer. :) When chicken is cooked through, remove from water. Cut into bite-size pieces.
2. Using the same water used to boil chicken, cook the spaghetti according package instructions. When spaghetti is finished cooking, drain and rinse, then return to pan.
3. Add to the pan the chicken, both soups, the diced tomatoes, milk, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Combine until ingredients are mixed through.
4. Transfer to a greased 13x9x2-inch baking dish and sprinkle with the shredded Cheddar cheese.
5. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until heated through.

Delicious? Yes. Low-fat? Ummm no. Do I care? Not one bit. I thought it was great, and I actually made it without any help from Lee (well except for fixing the stove). That's all that matters to me.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Even though you wouldn't know it, I've been two-timing you my faithful followers (all three of you). I've been writing posts behind your back and not publishing them. Why, you ask? Because I've been trying to work through some feelings not for public consumption. And, I think I have worked through them...for now.

So the long and short of it is: Sometimes I need to write out things that I'm feeling because expressing them in any form makes me feel better. But, on that same note, a lot of the time I want to keep them private because somewhere down the line they could end up hurting or embarrassing me or someone that I care about.

So, it's not you, it's me. :)

But, always know that if there is an opinion to be expressed about something stupid in current affairs, I'm your Gal Friday. And, I may from time to time let a bit of my personal side show, but only if I know that the only person I'll be affecting is me.

So for right now, I'll leave you with that. Don't mean to leave you hanging on what's going on, but that's how I roll. Also, this should be a reminder to myself to log out of Blogger when I'm done. Now that's food for thought...duh. Knowledge, not wisdom my fair friends. But, I'm working on it.

Hugs and kisses!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Celebrity Rehab

As soon as I said I would never watch another reality show, my friend V told me I needed to tune into the season premiere of Celebrity Rehab last night. She said I needed to get a glimpse of Heidi Fleiss, or more accurately what was left of Heidi Fleiss. Now, I didn't watch the whole thing because of my ban on reality televison. However, I did stay long enough to know that the newest members of Rehab are Dennis Rodman (it was only a matter of time), Mackenzie Phillips (what is this, like her 43rd trip to rehab?), Mindy McCready (sp?), Heidi Fleiss, some dude from Alice in Chains (I got to see them poke around in an abscess on his ass. TMI you say? YOU didn't see it [or maybe you did]. Beyond gross.), and some other goofy looking dude who I should know, but don't (sad how fame really is fleeting).

After just catching a glimpse of Heidi Fleiss and hearing that she had just done speed before checking in, I quickly checked out. I don't know what she's done to her face, but the end result is pretty horrifying. It was a prime case of plastic surgery gone wrong. All in all, another crop of messed up has-beens. Not that I couldn't sit and watch this soap opera play out, but it all makes me feel really uncomfortable, and there was a good book calling my name.

I hope that the residents truly do get clean and healthy during their stay. They certainly need it. But, I know my hope is futile. Sadly, this may be their last bit of fame before their obit prints in the L.A. Times. I hate to be morbid, but it's the truth. Although many of them sought the spotlight, in the end the glare of it has been their greatest downfall.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Even the Losers

I loathe reality shows. This includes any of the crap on MTV and VH1, Big Brother, Housewives of wherever, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, etc. Blech. I cannot express how much I hate this sort of programming and how much I believe these type of shows have completely dumbed down America and brought television to its proverbially knees. Now, if you do enjoy this sort of entertainment, that's your own perogative. Watch what you want, just don't force it upon me. What you watch is your business. I may not understand, but I won't chastise you for it either. Free country and all.

biggest loser

That being said, I may have to break with my No Reality TV campaign for one solitary program: The Biggest Loser. Now, I'm not foolish enough to believe that everything you see on there is spontaneous. Nothing on reality tv is. But, in the end people do lose weight and they do get in shape. It kind of looks inspiring as I've glimpsed at it from a distance. So, I think I may tune in tonight and see if it is actually worth watching. But, if it turns into one big arguing, screaming match, I'm out...way out. I'm looking for inspiration, not anxiety.

And, although I decided to break down and watch one reality program (this does not include documentaries - which actually are reality tv), I still wish the television industry would get a grip and bring back quality programming. My idea of a good program is not watching a bunch of groupie wanna-be's fight over a way-past-his prime Bret Michaels. Gag.

Is this really what we've come to? C'mon television, I'm begging you for something new and worthwhile. Is that really so much to ask?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Trip Around the Sun

Although it seems like just another day to me, today is my birthday. 33 years old. I wonder if that is supposed to generate some sort of emotion from me, but I'm not feeling it. I remember when I was much younger and knowing your birthday was approaching was so exciting, it was almost unbearable. Everyone was your friend on your birthday. You knew you were going to have a party after school. There would be presents. These days, I usually work on my birthday. I know exactly who my friends are (and I'm blessed and thankful that they are my friends). And, I rarely receive presents. It's just a day spent remembering that I'm another year older. But, as someone, who's mother is battling cancer, recently put it, "Celebrate your birthday because you may not know how many you have left." So true.

So although the last year had many instances of heartbreak and sadness, it also had so many occasions of joy and happiness. Weddings, birthdays, new babies, new beginnings. So, although I usually dwell on the wrongs of the world, I want to make it my goal to focus on the rights. I want to be hopeful for wonderful things in the future. I will make that my present to myself. There is no sense in looking behind you when the road ahead is filled with so many possibilities. So, I am going to try to focus on the positive. I will stumble along the way, but here's to the hope of picking myself up, brushing myself off, and continuing on.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday