Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon (reprise)

Finally! New Moon opened in theaters midnight yesterday morning (or Thursday night for people like me). Since that is way past my bedtime for a Thursday night, my sister and I decided to see it last evening. The stories were already circulating on Facebook that the showings in Fargo for last night were sold out. However, nobody ever seems to remember the Breckenridge theater...thankfully. After some coordination with my sister on how early she could leave work and with my brother in persuading him to buy some advance tickets for us, we were in! Since we were crunched for time, we arrived at the theater with 5 minutes to spare. There was a line out the door, down the sidewalk and to the street, but we walked into the other door, gave our tickets to the attendant, and walked in like VIP's. That feeling soon ebbed as we entered the actual theater because it was PACKED. I told my sister that we may have to sit in separate rows, but she refused that idea quickly. So we used the other door, looked up and down the rows and found 2 seats 4 rows from the back in the middle of the row. Perfect!

Surveying what I could of the theater I found out that the rest of our other movie-going audience comprised of a good majority of girls much younger than myself. I did know this going in, so I prepared myself for the requisite tween oohs and ahs, shrieks, giggling and other attributed behavior. They didn't disappoint on that front which, even though I was prepared, was still annoying.

All in all, I loved the movie. I really want to see it again soon, but will probably wait until the DVD comes out. There were some really cheesy parts, but I suppose that's par for the course. And, I could have done without the experience of immature girls giggling at certain points in the film, that definitely didn't warrant laughter, but I expected nothing less. In the end, it was worth the time and trouble. Doubly actually since I think this movie was way better than the first. Better acting, more humor, and far superior special effects. I'm happy I got to see it on the big screen.

Now I can hardly wait for Eclipse next summer. If only they would have adults only screenings when it comes out. I guess that would be too much to ask, huh?

new moon Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where is My Mind?

I have the shortest attention span when it comes to certain things. Like just now, I am attempting to do something for work, but had a different window open on my computer. I needed to minimize it before continuing, but something caught my eye before I could. So then I start reading, flipping through different tabs. A few minutes go by before my brain reminds me that I had something more pressing to do before I got lost in cyberspace. Whoops!

I do that at home too. I'll be trying to accomplish something, walk into a different room to get something, something catches my eye, and soon I've completely thrown the original task to the wayside. After minutes or hours, I'll come upon the original task I started only to realize the day is too far gone to finish it. I shuffle the stuff off to the side to attack it again some other time.

I really don't think I have ADD, but sometimes....Oh, excuse me I got distracted. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!!

A few pics from the past weekend. I love how Halloween brings out the crazy in us all. I didn't really dress up this year because I was undecided about going out. But, for those who did, I applaud you. Your costumes were awesome!

Cochese and Pimpin' M

Terrifying banana & Cochese

My favorite hippies

Cenex guy & a Wascally Wabbit

Freakin' at the Freaker's Ball

That's me and my husband in the Blues Brothers masks

Ishmael & Roy Bunson

Our DJ for the evening

Uh-oh! Busted! :)

Elvis, me & Cher (a few too many beers by this time - evidenced by the hat)

Friday, October 9, 2009

It Might Get Loud

Ok, deep breath. I've got that funny feeling in my stomach that's excitement and anxiousness all rolled in a ball that's spinning furiously.

A movie I've been waiting to see is finally in Fargo. "It Might Get Loud" is a documentary featuring guitarists Jack White, The Edge, and...Jimmy Page!! I've probably mentioned it before, but it bears stating again, I LOVE Jimmy Page. As in, if I had been a teenager/young adult in the 70's (so disappointed sometimes that I grew up in the 90's), I so would have been one of those girls following Led Zeppelin around the country in the hopes that Jimmy Page would notice me, fall madly in love with me, then take me back to England. Actually, even now, there are some days that I still hope this happens. I think he's still gorgeous, even at 65. I know, I know. I'm married, I have a daughter...but, a girl can fantasize now and then, no? *Sigh*

Anyhow, back to what I was originally talking about. I don't know if it's fate or coincidence, but this movie being in Fargo comes at a very "Led Zeppelin" moment in my life. Now, my husband and my friend V would say my life is always Led Zeppelin, but I really haven't been listening to them all that much lately. But, last night their biography on the Biography channel was on. Now, I've been waiting for a Zep biography for the longest time, wasn't even sure if one existed. And, last night, there it was. Then, today I had a meeting for work, so to get into my happy place I played Led Zeppelin all morning. Then, my co-worker told me that this movie was in Fargo this weekend. Cha-ching!!

So, the plan is to see the movie tonight. I am soooo happy! I don't even care if it sucks (which it won't) because I'll get to see Jimmy Page and hear him play. A evening with Jimmy Page, I couldn't ask for much more...well, maybe if it was actually in person, but I'll take what I can get. Until next time...

Posters for the Movie


And because it's my blog...

Again, *sigh*.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Third New Moon Trailer

Here's a new New Moon trailer. I guess this debuted on the VMA's the other night, but I couldn't watch it because I cannot stand new music these days. So, since I wasn't up for torture that night, I avoided it even though I knew there was going to be some New Moon shenanigans going down. Thankfully there are places such as YouTube to get my fix elsewhere. So, here is another New Moon preview. Have I mentioned I'm super-stoked to see this in November? CANNOT wait!

By the way, I don't mind seeing Robert Pattinson (Edward) with his shirt off either. Not at all.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Over the Hills and Far Away

I must have music playing while working. So, I have a classic rock radio station streaming online from my computer. Today, the song "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Led Zeppelin (in case you weren't sure) came on. It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite Zeppelin songs. Now, I probably hear that song every other day at work, but today I paused for a bit while it played. It was at the part when Jimmy Page's (love him so much) solo began. I can't describe the solo in words, but it instantly transported me back to when I was 15.

My cousin and I had just discovered classic rock and although I can't speak for her, my mind was blown away with all this "new" music I was hearing. Modern rock radio at that time had kind of turned to crap. I've mentioned before how much I hate hair metal. Well, we were in the midst of that, and I'd had enough. Nirvana hadn't become known in my dinky town yet, so I was at a particular musical juncture. Now, my dad loves music like I do, so I'd already been exposed to music from the 60's and 70's. I had lived and breathed The Doors for about a year and half, so I was stoked to find a radio station that played them...and so many others. It was revolutionary in my small-time existence. I was hooked.

Once particular band my cousin and I took to immediately was Led Zeppelin. "Good Times Bad Times", "Dancing Days", "Houses of the Holy", and "Over the Hills and Far Away" would be sung loudly while we cruised around town. I lived and breathed the lyrics, notes, and melodies.

"Over the Hills" holds a particular place in my heart though, because I have a couple of clear memories of that song playing when I was 15. When I hear it, I see myself in my adolescence so clearly, as if I'm truly reliving it. Driving somewhere with my boyfriend at the time, so happy to have a bit of freedom with him even if it only lasted for a couple of hours, and that song playing in the background. To me, it was heaven. Actually, when I think about it now, it still kind of is. Not that he has to be part of it here in the present; I'm long past such feelings for him. But, I feel driving around and listening to music is, to me, heaven on earth. There is really nothing that makes me feel more content.

But, hearing those songs for the first time was incredible. It was like someone had finally turned on a light to a path that I had to travel. And, I haven't looked back. I know I make classic rock sound mythical, but to me it is. It opened my eyes completely to how music should be. And, since I was experiencing new music and first love all at once, it was magical to me. The two are ingrained in my memories together completely. I hear these songs play, and I think back to how simple life was then. When all I pretty much existed for was a good tune, someone who I enjoyed spending time with, and maybe a few beers here and there. :) And, "Over the Hills" is a song that conveys those emotions I had perfectly.

I don't think I would ever want to be 15 again. But, every now and then I don't mind reliving and remembering just how carefree and crazy I was. It was beautiful, and I miss it sometimes. Thank god for the songs that can take me back, even if it is just only for a minute or two.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Good Deed For The Day

I donated blood today. It had been a while, and I was feeling kinda guilty about not donating lately. So, I took an hour from work to go to a local church where they always have their blood drives and let them tap my arm for a while. Although there was some initial needle maneuvering they did that wasn't very comfortable (sorry for the graphics if you're queasy), it all turned out ok. It's a pretty easy process. I can't believe that for years I wouldn't do it. I think I was afraid of passing out in front of a group of people, but that hasn't happened yet. Plus, they give you cookies afterwards. :) They tell you after your donation that you saved three people, so that makes it all worthwhile, I think. So, if you have never donated, please think about doing so. I think they pretty much always seem to have a shortage, so every little bit helps. Click here to find our where you can donate.

united blood services Pictures, Images and Photos

Also, on a completely different note, the NFL has their first regular season game tonight. Although my team, the Vikings, don't play until Sunday, I'm excited none-the-less. I love, love, love football! We had our Fantasy Draft the other day, so I'm even more excited for the season to begin. My team did horrible last year, so I'm hoping we redeem ourselves this season. Anyhow, no matter which team you cheer for, Happy Football Season to you!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Almost Cut My Hair

No, that's not true. I totally cut my hair yesterday. It had been pretty much halfway (if not more) down my back, but it was starting to look kinda ragged and icky. So, I decided to bite the bullet and get a trim. While in the salon, I decided that I wanted to be a little more daring, so I told the stylist to cut it to about chin length. She did, and I have to say I really like it. The only problems I foresee are styling it (I am terrible at doing my hair) and keeping myself from running my fingers through it (a nervous habit). But, I'll get used to it. And, I got to donate the hair she did cut to Locks of Love, so that made me feel really good about the whole experiment. I would post a picture, but I'm not crazy about how I look when I take self-portraits, so I'll have to think about it. But, I wouldn't count on it. :)

One Fish, Two Fish

Pretty much every evening before my daughter goes to bed, she has me read a few books to her. I let her pick which ones, but there is always one I hope she'll select:

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Reading this aloud to her puts a smile on my face every time. A few times I will stumble over the rhyming, but I just love reading it because it's so much fun.

One of my favorite lines:

Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day, from here to there.
funny things are everywhere.

I love Dr. Seuss!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Back Pages

Thought maybe I'd update today with what I've been reading lately. Now, I don't expect anybody to use this as a suggestion list for something they should read. My choices sometimes aren't everybody's taste. Just thought I'd update with a post about my recent books.

A couple that I recently finished:

mermaid chair

my sisters keeper

"The Mermaid Chair" was an ok book. Not one of my favorites though. I did really like "My Sister's Keeper", although this book made me bawl long after I closed it for the last time. I totally didn't see the ending coming, sad as it was.

Right now, on loan from my sister, I have the first book in the "Vampire Academy" series. Also, I purchased "Dead Until Dark", the first in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Basically, I wanted to read this series because I'm interested in watching the "True Blood" series and wanted to read the books first.

vampire academy

Dead Until Dark

So, that's it in a nutshell. As you can see, I have a bit of a penchant for vampire tales, which you already know because of my obsession with "Twilight". I've also read all the "House of Night" books that are currently out. Love them too! I must just be addicted to tales of the undead. Is that wrong? No... Ok didn't think so. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Introducing Minnesota Viking...#4 Brett Favre

As I said on my Facebook profile after posting this pic: It's like bizarro world seeing this. It's just weird.

It will take some getting used to.


Well, after months of debate, speculation, and denials from Brett Favre himself, it seems he is now poised to become the (a?) QB for the Minnesota Vikings. As a Vikings fan, right now, I'm apathetic. I think he was a talented quarterback in his prime and will probably make the hall of fame someday. But, why can't the Vikings spend the money to find a good, young, quarterback? Why must they take every potential retiree QB into their fold? I just don't get it. But, then again, where the Vikings are concerned, they always leave me a bit confused. I guess that's the charm (annoyance) of being a Vikings fan. And, as for Brett Favre, if he can take this team somewhere worthwhile (the playoffs/Superbowl - ha!), then I've got his back. I guess we'll wait and see...

Brett Favre and Coach Childress

New Moon

Yesterday I received a link via Facebook for the new New Moon preview. After viewing that and again watching the one they put out around the time of the MTV VMA's, my love for Twilight is totally renewed. I cannot wait until that movie drops in theaters. I didn't get to see Twilight on the big screen, but wild horses couldn't keep me from New Moon. I am super stoked!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wish You Were Here

I know I haven't written in a while. It seems to me that I generally feel inspired when I'm angry or sad about something. Which is kind of sad in itself. So, although I would give just about anything in the world to not be writing right now, I feel I must. This is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings, so here goes.

I recently lost a cousin. We just got back from his funeral in Laramie, Wyoming. Now, as you all know, I'm not a huge fan of death. Ha! That's the understatement of the year. But, his death was by his own hand, so I'm really having a tough time dealing with it. I know he'd been depressed for quite some time, but I never truly believed it would ever come to this. Jim always had a smile on his face, always acted like he was having the time of his life, and always treated everyone as his friend. To know that he was battling demons inside himself that whole time makes me incredibly sad. It's heartbreaking.

Losing a family member or friend is always a difficult thing to deal with. Immeasurably so. But, when it's so unexpected, you have no time to prepare for the aftermath. The grief and anger can be palpable. You don't have an answer to the riddle, and you can go mad trying to figure it out. What could have been said or done? In the end, probably nothing. And, that's what hurts the worst, I think. Knowing that somebody felt so badly and then felt this was the only way to ease the pain makes it almost unbearable. Knowing that somebody I love felt this way and there was nothing to help them breaks my heart. I hate knowing that somebody I love is in pain, so knowing that Jim was in so much pain that he felt the need to leave this world tears me apart.

I feel that a family is a giant jigsaw puzzle. All the pieces come together to make a beautiful picture. You can always add more family members to the puzzle, they just create a larger landscape. But, if you lose a family member, you lose a piece of the puzzle. And, the picture will never be whole again. You can see the picture without that piece, but your eyes are always drawn to the empty space. Losing Jim is that way to me. He was a piece of my family's puzzle, but his loss has left an empty space that can never be filled again. I so want that piece of the puzzle back. My family doesn't feel whole anymore. And although I hadn't seen him much in my lifetime because he lived so far away, knowing that I'll never see him again makes my heart ache.

Jim was one-of-a-kind. He viewed the world a little differently than everyone else, but that's what made him a beautiful human being. He could make you laugh with his stories or comments, or sometimes just a look he'd have on his face. I wish he hadn't felt the need to leave us so soon, but I know he's truly at peace now. And, looking down on us with a smile on his face. Just like he did in life.

I miss you Jim, and I'll love you forever. Like my brother said, I'll see you on the other side. Can't wait to hear the stories you have to tell. I'm sure they'll be some good ones.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

You Were Meant For Me (And I Was Meant For You)

As I was driving to work today I saw something that made me smile: A pair of ducks on the water. Now, you may ask why something like this would put a smile upon my face. I'm not a duck enthusiast or anything of the sort. I can take them or leave them as far as the animal world goes. But, a duck pairing is truly something special. Something to be emulated.

Did you know that when ducks mate, they mate for life?

It's such a simple concept, yet the depth of it is astounding to me. One partner. For life. Wouldn't the human race benefit from something like that? Which lead to a different question for me: Why weren't all animals created equal?

It's a question I can't answer, nor do I think I want to try. But, what if people were like that, though? What if humans had the ability to fall in love only one time and were able to spend the rest of their life with just one person without ever knowing the want or need of looking for love elsewhere. That you were mated for life. Hmmm.

Anyone who has ever been in love or, if not, seen love in a movie or heard about it in a song can tell you how powerful a force it truly is. It can render all your senses useless in a good way. You eat, drink, and sleep the other person. It's a heady experience, to put it lightly. Why, then, is it so easy to fall out of love? It happens every day with breakups, divorces, court proceedings. Why is love so fickle? Why can't people want to be with the their first love for life?

I suppose it's just the nature of the beast. Humans are ruled by their emotions. Ducks, I'm guessing, are probably not emotional creatures, save Daffy and Donald. They mate to perpetuate the species. Humans let their feelings guide their way, and sometimes they stumble and fall. And sometimes they breezily finish the marathon, though rarely. Love is not a static thing. It ebbs and flows, the same as all other human emotions.

Sometimes love is permanent, sometimes it lasts a week. No one can define for another person the love they should and should not feel. It's different for every person. But, I still think the duck concept is a nice one. One couple together, forever, with death being the only thing eventually tearing them apart.

On that cheery note, I'll leave you with something that made me cry the first time I heard about it. Not only do ducks mate for life, but something happens when one in the pair disappears. If one in the duck pair dies or is killed, the other will swim around and around searching for their lost mate. It's as if the whole course of their existence has been thrown off, and they cannot function as a singular being. They are lost. It's tragic and beautiful all at the same time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


After my daughter, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen is Jimmy Page playing guitar at Madison Square Garden in 1973. I wish I could have seen it in person.

Watching an eagle fly purely for its own enjoyment is truly magnificent and awe-inspiring.

Seeing the Eagles perform "Hotel California" in person was almost a religious experience for me.

True happiness is getting a hug and a kiss from my daughter.

People who are judgmental of others should take a close look in a mirror. Then, take a second look.

You can call Mother Nature all kinds of names with all kinds of threats, but she'll still best you in the end.

And, she has a sadistic sense of humor at times.

The more anxious you are for something to happen, the longer it takes to actually happen.

I could and probably will read "Twilight" over and over and never tire of it. Nor will I ever tire of Edward Cullen. Vampire or not, he's still the finest and most romantic hero of any story I've ever read.

On that same note, I think it would be cool to be a vampire. I'm not interested in drinking blood, but immortality would suit me just fine. I fear death. The kick-ass strength and speed would be pretty awesome too.

Again on that same note, I believe I'm finally going through a teenage girl obsession with "Twilight" and everything to do with it. I was never a normal teenage girl. Just like I'm not a normal adult female.

If you ever want to witness pure stupidity, drive on the highway after it's been covered with frozen rain and snow. There will always be some idiot in a 4-wheel drive vehicle driving along like it's the middle of summer. That is a North Dakota guarantee.

Many people lament the failings of small town businesses due to larger retail stores in larger towns. These same people rarely shop at the small town businesses.

If you ever want to see humanity at its best and an example of steadfast resolve, give the people of North Dakota a disaster to get through. They prove me right time and time again.

Watching the F-M Acro Team perform to the theme from "Rocky" makes me cry every time.

I feel sorry for people with no sense of humor. A life without silly joy has to be a miserable existence.

I also feel sorry for people without music in their life. Few things in life give me pure joy, but music is one of the few.

When I listen to Jim Morrison sing, I wish I could take his voice and wrap it around me like a blanket.

I'll stop with these for now, there will always be more odd thoughts that flit through my mind.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It Is What It Is

Let me start this off by saying that I'm sorry. I didn't mean for yesterday's entry to be so depressing. Well, that's not entirely honest. It's true that I was feeling that way yesterday, and I often do feel like that. But, I'm sorry to have dragged you down with me. I am a very emotional person, if you couldn't tell. Some days I feel so happy I could fly, and then there were days like yesterday. I think it all depends on how much sleep I get, and, as you know, that isn't something I achieve quite regularly. I debated about erasing the entry but then decided that wasn't something I wanted to do. For, no matter how embarrassed I am about something I have written, it was the truth. If I can't be brutally honest with myself, who can I be honest with? So, it shall remain.

I always knew writing out my feelings would tame whatever emotional upheaval was going on within me. I haven't done it for a long time though. Writing by hand is torture for me. I write very slowly, gripping the pen as tight as I can, until my hand burns like fire and becomes a deformed claw. If I try to continue my hand begins to shake, rendering the letters I'm trying to write virtually unrecognizable. So, until now, I've laid aside the written word choosing instead to keep my feelings bottled up inside of me. It hasn't been the best trade-off, which is why I decided to start this particular blog.

Good or bad, pretty or ugly, these are my words.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Life Unfulfilled

(A note before this post: I'm not exactly as miserable as this post is going to make me out to be. But, I want to be as brutally honest about my feelings as I feel them. So, if you don't want to be bummed out, don't read. It's a bit of a downer.)

Ah, yes. It's that old feeling again. I can't exactly put a name on it, but I suppose angst, longing, unhappiness, unfulfillment, or dissatisfaction would come close to an apt description. I often wonder how I got here. What turn should I have taken and when should I have taken it? What could I have done differently?

Most times I am perfectly happy with my life as it stands. I love my husband and daughter. I have family close by. It's not perfect, but things are pretty good.

But, always in the back of my mind is the thought that I'm meant to have a different life. I am not supposed to live here, work at the job that I do, live the life I live. I wake up every morning with the knowledge that time is moving way too fast, and I feel that there is something more for me out there. But, what? And, that's the question I cannot answer. I do not know.

When I was younger, I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted out of life. I knew that I was going to leave North Dakota, get a job at a magazine or a publishing company, make good money, and marry my best friend (whoever that would be). I would final travel to Italy, make photography my hobby, and own my dream home. Dreams. How simple life seems when it's viewed from an 18-year old's perspective. Sadly, that's all they remain: dreams.

Reality can be harsh. It will silently bear down on you with the force of an 18-wheeler, hitting you when you're weakest, and throwing you to the side of the road. You were prepared enough to have your proverbial seatbelt fastened, but your airbag has exploded in your face as a final insult to let you know that unhappiness will hit you when you least expect it. And, there you are bruised and sore, but essentially unhurt. You move on with life as it is, but the bruises are a reminder that somewhere along the road, you were blown off track, and you may not be as content as you thought you were.

I know I shouldn't complain. As things go, I've got a good life. I have family, friends, a roof over my head, food to eat, my health. I should want for nothing as I have more than many do. I am human, though, and more than a touch selfish. I want more. I want the days where I laughed freely and often, when I woke up in the morning and looked foward to the day instead of dreading it, when I had people I could confide in, when I felt worthy of something. Each day passes a bit too similar to the day before, and I now find myself lost in time, knowing the date on the calendar but not knowing where I am, timewise, in my life. I'm lost, and there is no map I can consult to find out where I should be.

I guess I'm just tired. I'm tired of the obligation of going to work instead of the desire. I'm tired of forced, banal, everyday chit-chat instead of a real, in-depth conversation. I'm tired of faking chuckles to sub-par humor instead of laughing gigantic belly laughs to something I truly find funny. I'm tired of putting on a happy face to life as it is instead of smiling with joy due to a life of complete satisfaction. I'm tired of existing instead of living. I want nothing more to be happy, truly happy.

Oh, who am I to whine and complain anyhow? I shouldn't. Perhaps I need to reverse my thinking and enjoy what I truly do have. I can do that. Right? Honestly, I don't know. I've never been a cup's half-full kind of person. I'm a cynic and a skeptic. If I was into new-age philosophy, I would only have to look inside myself to find happiness. Sure, sure. The thing I've been looking for has been in front of me all along, look no farther than your own front door, and all that crap. Sorry, but that's not me.

And, so it goes...

I believe the future is nothing but a pile of clay. You can manipulate into what form you want it to take and change it as you go. Be careful before deciding on its final incarnation, though. It may not turn out to be the result you were hoping to achieve, and you'll be left with nothing but an misshapen bowl waiting to be filled with regret.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

OK Computer

I hate dealing with computer problems. I'm happy when they work and quite unhappy when they don't. Simple enough.

Now, I'm not out to bash IT people or people who work in the computer industry. This isn't some broad bitch against the technology industry in the slightest. No, this will be directed to one certain computer salesperson. Although they will not read this, I will not mention any names. This is not to protect the innocent. No, I won't call anyone out, because although I may be bitter, I feel it's in my best interest to keep people nameless. And, I like keeping my interest best.

A few months ago our out-of-house computer salesperson/IT guy left the state. I understand his reasoning and hold no ill-will towards him. But, he left us in a bit of a lurch. He did let us know, however, that although he wouldn't be here for the hands-on stuff, he would recommend a company that he trusted. Fair enough. Not too long after that, a salesperson from the company came to visit our office, introduced himself, explained the company philosophy, blah, blah. Basically just came to grease the wheels. Put in a good word. He's here for us, call with any problems, etc. Whatever. You get the drift. He handed out his company card and was on his way. Now, I may not have the greatest judgement all the time, but I have a fairly decent bullshit monitor. Something about him irked me.

The first sign of trouble was when my DVD burner went to hell. I called our trusty salesperson about said problem. He said he would be right on it and would order me a new one stat. It arrived a couple of days later. I was impressed, until I tried to install it. Technologically, I'm an idiot, but I'm smart enough to know when a certain connection will not work. I get the whole male/female idea in connections, and these two were not compatible mates. Nope, no love connection here. After staring at this for awhile and deciding that it wasn't going to be a go, I called my trusty salesperson and explained my problem. He let me know that he would order a different burner with the correct connections (always a fine idea) and come to Elliott to install it himself. Super.

The next day he was out here to do the old switcheroo. After confirming that, indeed, the first burner he sent me wouldn't work and I wasn't just a moron putting him on, he proceeded with the work. He removed the old burner, then began installing the new one. Before he installed it though, he tried to change the faceplate from black to beige (the color of my computer). That was a no-go however, and I stopped him before he ended up breaking it, stating I didn't care about the color.

Next, installation. Along the way, he stripped and broke off one of the tiny screws that would hold the burner in place. A grimace must have flashed across my face because he told me it happens all the time, no big deal. O-kay. After he was done with that, he chit-chatted for awhile. It was mostly the usual business/superficial personal stuff. But, he did let us in on some really personal information about himself that I didn't really regard as appropriate business conversation. But, maybe he thought we really needed to know. Hard to say. Anyhow, installation complete, and he was out the door with wink and a smile. My dander was up.

After that incident, he was in from time to time, working on different problems. Then, last week arrived. I had received an email from him on Thursday saying he'd be in on Friday to install a patch on everyone's computers. And, he arrived exactly when he said he would. The time he spent on each computer was pretty minimal. Painless even. Before leaving, he mentioned to us that three of our computers would need updating sometime because our operating systems were out-of-date. Fine, that may be true. Then, he was off without truly explaining what this patch does and if we would encounter any problems with it. I've seen enough movies dealing with foreshadowing to know that this wasn't a good sign.

True to a Hitchcock movie, the foreshadowing came true. Saturday, I received a call at home from another employee from our Forman location. He could not log onto his computer, and he wasn't happy about it. After a brief conversation I decided that I was not able to help him, so he was willing to wait until Monday. He mentioned that he had left a choice voicemail with our trusty salesperson in the meantime. Good.

On Monday, I checked to see if above employee was able to get ahold of our trusty salesperson. He had, and his computer was now functioning. Actually, all the computers at that location needed a little tweaking to function. But, they were "fixed". Everyone else's computers seemed to be fine. That is until Tuesday, when an employee here in Elliott found out that he couldn't log onto his laptop. It had worked fine the day before, but when he took it offsite it wouldn't let him on. A call from him was put into our trusty salesperson, who promptly told him that since he was not in the office, he couldn't help him through it. He instructed our employee to call our Forman office and talk to the bookkeeper there who had the instructions to fix the problem. He did, they worked on it for a loooong time, and they eventually fixed it, although not exactly with the precise directions left by our trusty salesperson. Tweaking at its finest.

Now, this is where my already ruffled dander becomes a full-on irritation. EXCUSE ME, but you are the trusted professional who installed this so-called wonder patch. Shouldn't you have some idea of how to deal with it when it goes awry? I was told that he's just the salesperson, he shouldn't have to fix the technical problems. Oh, really? As a old boyfriend used to say, I call bullshit. If you have the supposed know-how to install the freaking thing, you should know how to deal with the problems that arise from the installation. And, then instead of offering to have one of the technicians at his company call our employee to help him out, he instead sloughs off the work to another of OUR employees. Are you kidding me?

He has, since, explained what the patch is for. I'm not comfortable with it, but whatever. It has been decided that we'll be getting new computers for us three, who are so woefully behind the times. Fine. I think my current PC is just fine, but you can't stop technology. I think transferring the info from my old computer to the new one is going to be an issue. To say that it will be a humongous pain in the keester is an understatement. But, I'll deal. What I keep having problems with is the feeling that we're getting treated like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Where does it end? Everything seemed to be just fine one month ago, and now we're akin to cavemen in the technology age. It's more, more, more but with no explanation as to why. And, that's what bothers me.

Yup, that's what bothers me. I'm tired of the push to sell us more without telling us why. I'm done with the "don't worry we know what's best for your company" line that keeps being fed to us without an afterthought. I've always been a cynic and a skeptic, but they've got my radar raised permanently with the latest shenanigans. Well done. We'll see how it goes from here.

P.S. I thought this would be a short little post, but nothing I write ever turns out very succinct. Blame the game, not the player. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh, Me

Worry, worry, worry.

My mind is spinning this morning with all sorts of new troubles. It's almost as if I'm riding a merry-go-round, and no one wants to let me off. I see points of reason as I'm spinning but can't focus on them long enough to formulate a thought about them. Is this how people feel when they're losing their mind?

I worry about my daughter. Every parent has that fear that their own child isn't like other children. Now, I'm having that worry. Is she where she should be for her age? Is she like other children, or is there something abnormal about her? Where are the rest of her teeth? I know that my worry for my child will never go away, but that's the problem. I need answers to questions. And, there are no definite answers for me. Nothing to really give me peace of mind. I hate it, and there isn't one thing I can do about it.

I worry about my peace of mind in general. My house is closing in around me. Space has become hot commodity, and we're running out of it. It's also not very clean or organized. It's starting to take a toll on me. I want to clean, but the thought of moving all that shit in order to clean makes me so tired my head starts to hurt. It's cluttered, dirty, and beyond my comprehension anymore. It is slowly driving me mad. I take it out on my husband, which is so beyond unfair it's incomprehensible. But, if I let if fester within myself, I'll explode. A catch-22, I suppose. Again, I hate it, and there isn't really anything I can do about it.

And, what about the rest of my family and Lee's family? Are they happy? What's going on with them? Do they need my help in any way? I know some of the answers to some of the questions. Some I don't don't. Most of the time, I choose to remain in my own world and pretend all is well. I don't like cracks in the facade of perfection, so my belief is that ignorance is truly bliss. I know perfection is unachievable. I don't have to look too far outside of my own life to recognize that. But, if everyone else is doing well, then life really can't be all that bad. So, I believe the lie. I can exist that way.

A more immediate concern: The weather. Or, more specifically the freezing rain that has chosen to fall today. Really, why? Nothing is normal about rain in February. Or driving in it for that matter. I don't like living with a knot in my stomach. But, I've got a huge one now anticipating my drive home from work. I already fear death as it is, so this is just a cruel, sadistic reminder. Why, oh why do I live here? It's a question that I ask myself every winter but seems to become more pertinent as I get older.

Sometimes it seems like it would be so easy to be a child again, when all you were concerned about was Christmas, summertime, and birthdays. When you didn't have to think about all the burdens you would have to shoulder by becoming an adult. I long for just a brief period to not think about anything important. I suppose that's why I drink too much sometimes. It's a brief escape from reality, an escape where your most pressing decision is what song to next play on the jukebox. Unfortunately, that escape can bear (bare?) some brutal consequences the next morning, which is why I do it pretty rarely these days.

My last worry: Should I publish this or not? I don't know. Does this post make me seems as if I'm manic-depressive or schizophrenic? Maybe. I don't think I am. As I've said before, I can't turn off my mind. I thought that writing them down would at least calm me, which it has. Rather cathartic. I don't want anyone who may read this to feel badly or worry too much about me. That wasn't my intent. I just needed to let go of my feelings and thoughts to stop the carousel of my mind. And, it's worked. I can concentrate now and go about my business.

Inhale, exhale, and live. That's all a person can do sometimes.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

End Of The Night

Have you ever had the feeling that your thoughts are disjointed? That they feel like they don't even belong to you, they don't make sense, that they are pieces of a humongous jigsaw puzzle that can't be put together?

That's the way I've felt all day today. Like I have someone else's head on my shoulders, or something. I know the main reason I feel so out of sorts is because I haven't slept very well the last 2 nights. The reason I don't sleep: I cannot stop my mind.

My husband tells me how easy it is to fall asleep. You just do it.


He will demonstrate for me like I don't understand the concept (which, truth be told, I don't). Close your eyes, then *snore*. Meanwhile, I listen to his snoring, going back in forth in my head about how he does this. Pretty soon my thoughts are pulsating in my mind, flashes of memories, snippets of songs, remembering tasks that will need to be completed the next day. All the while tossing and turning, trying to find exactly the right position to help me slip into unconsciousness. Nothing works.

Usually I'll fall asleep to the television. As long as I don't have to think and just watch, I'll fall asleep quite easily most of the time. But then there are nights like last night, where nothing can stop the churning of my mind. My body can feel so tired, like I can actually feel the weight of it pressing me down, but my mind races ahead, intent on solving some sort of riddle it will never find the answer to. Anxiousness begins to work its way in which starts my heart and adrenaline pumping (this doesn't help the problem at all, as you can imagine), and then the frustration begins.

I've tried relaxing exercises, different breathing techniques, sleep medication. Nothing works. Actually, in my world where nothing seems to fit right sometimes, sleep medication has the opposite effect on me. I feel more alert after I take it. It's maddening. I have found that Benadryl will do the job if I'm desperate. But, I feel so groggy the next day that it doesn't seem worth taking. I'm gonna feel groggy anyway without medication, so what's the point. It's a vicious cycle.

Then, once I do fall asleep, I begin to dream some of the weirdest dreams. And, I'm talking way out there strange. These are something even Stanley Kubrick wouldn't have been able to come up with on his best day. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes scary, but always downright bizarre. But, that's for a different posting.

So, I'm at an impasse. How do you turn off your mind? I wish there were some sort of switch that I could use. But, there isn't. I guess I'll do as I've always done and repeat the same pattern I always repeat. Hopefully someday my mind will slow down and let me rest. Until then, I guess I'll have to put up with the feeling of someone else's head on my shoulders.

No, that's not weird at all.

25 Things

This was a little something on Facebook that I filled out this morning. It was 25 random things about me, my likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, etc. I just thought it would give you a little peek into my psyche. Enter if you dare...

1. I love my family & friends.

2. I hate conflict but love to argue.

3. I love, love, love music, especially classic rock.

4. I seriously think I was born in the wrong decade, I should have been a teenager/young adult in the 70's.

5. I am in love with Jimmy Page (Jimmy Page in the '70s, not today). :) See above.

6. I am embarrassed I just said #5 "out loud".

7. My favorite thing to do is country cruise, drink beer, and listen to tunes.

8. I am really worried about my Grandma right now.

9. I worry that I'm not a very good mom. I really don't know what I'm doing.

10. I am fiercely protective of my daughter and will maim anyone who tries to hurt her.

11. I dream about being the lead singer in a rock band. Yup, embarrassed again.

12. I still want to be a d.j. at a rock station.

13. My father and I butted heads regularly when I was a teenager, but I've realized I become more like him every day, and I always loved him.

14. I often wonder if there is such a thing as a soul mate.

15. I love to read.

16. Jim Morrison is my idol.

17. I hated breast feeding with a passion but would do it again for my child (Wow, that was out of left field, even for me).

18. I am very moody.

19. I am afraid of not living anymore, being dead. It actually keeps me up at night and terrifies me to my very core.

20. I can't turn off my mind at night to sleep.

21. I slept with my baby security blanket until I graduated from college.

22. I know I'm weird and different but really don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

23. I was in 7th grade when I realized #22. It was life changing.

24. But, I can get my feelings hurt easily too.

25. I love my eyes and am glad that my daughter has them too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Smells Like Teen Spirit

I had a shocking thought today. I was driving into Lisbon for a meeting and had my iPod going. The song that came on was Nirvana singing "The Man Who Sold the World". I love that song, the guitar is so perfect with the mood of the song. The final guitar solo is like a cry, it almost breaks my heart (I like depressing songs, but I'll talk about that some other time). As I was listening, I did a little math in my head and realized that this spring Kurt Cobain will have been gone for 15 years. But, that wasn't the shocking thought. What shocked me was that high school seniors today were only 3 years old when he died. What?!?

Back in my day (how old do I sound now?), Nirvana was like the second coming. A little music history, if you will: Towards the late Eighty's, heavy metal was king on the radio. Hair bands. Think lots of hairspray and spandex. On men. I shudder now as I think of it. Now I'm not going to be so arrogant in my music preferences to say that I didn't listen to some of it. I loved Guns and Roses, and the occasional Whitesnake song didn't bother me too much. But, basically, it sucked.

At my high school, punk and alternative (I'm not sure if it was called that yet) music was the music of choice. The heavy metal genre was not really appreciated. And, I liked these bands just as much as the rest of my high school. The bands that we listened to on school bus trips were bands like The Pixies, 7 Seconds, The Violent Femmes, etc. We were the "weird" school. I was even told that one high school, who shall remain nameless, had a "Milnor" day during their homecoming week, where the kids dressed like the guys in our school. With mohawks and what they deemed were funny-looking clothes. As a side note: The joke is on them. How lame are they when their attempt to make fun of us makes them look even more pathetic than they already were? Wow, I guess I still dislike them as much now as I did then. Interesting.

Anyhow, around 1992, the music world was turned on its head. With the few chords of the opening guitar of "Smells Like Teen Spirit", heavy metal was left in the dust. The music was hard-edged and loud, but the angst and despair in the words were something new. The members of Nirvana dressed just like the guys in my high school, ragged jeans, t-shirts, flannel shirts, Chuck Taylor Converse All-stars. Their hair was long, but without one trace of hairspray. It made the hair bands' songs about sex and women, their spandex and hair-sprayed 'dos, everything about them look totally ridiculous. Those opening guitar chords were the death knell of hair bands. My school wasn't sorry to see them go.

As with every music genre, once the big one hits, aftershocks are soon to follow. Nirvana firmly established itself as the "band" of the alternative scene. Since they were out of Seattle, many bands from the city were suddenly given their chance; Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Screaming Trees. It was a good time.

Then, in the spring of 1994, the music world was shocked to learn of Kurt Cobain's suicide. I remember where I was when I heard the news. I suppose it was my generation's Kennedy or Lennon moment. I'm sure people wondered what would have made him do it, Nirvana were still the best of the best, and he had a wife and daughter. But, he was also holding a whole generation of music fans on his fragile shoulders. Not an easy task for anyone, and especially for someone like him. He had never asked to be the voice of a music generation, so he silenced his. Life can be just too hard.

So, it saddens me now that high school kids these days don't have a memory of a living Kurt Cobain, that Nirvana's music is probably considered old. I really don't know what kids are listening to these days. I've heard some of it, and I am thoroughly unimpressed. To be brutally honest, most of it is crap. Between the hip-hop and pop crap, there are a few bands and songs that are worth listening too. Not many though.

So, why did I write this? Because I'm getting older? Maybe. Because kids these days don't really know what good music is or what it could be? Possibly. I think I just wrote it because I'm still sad that Kurt Cobain is gone, that the music he could have created won't be heard, that his music still touches a nerve inside me.

15 years almost...what was and what never will be. How sad.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jennie's Addiction

I am an addict. Not to any chemical substance, nothing like that. I'm an addict to a series of books that I only recently became aware of. But, I'll begin with a little background first.

When it comes to music, movies, and books, I jump into things wholeheartedly that I love. I always have. When I was younger, I would watch certain movies over and over, read books 2, 3, or more times, listen to a song, rewind the tape, and listen to it again. I've seen the movie "Rocky" more than 30 times, read the Sweet Valley High series through more than once (some books many times), heard "Light My Fire" thousands of times. Anyone who knows me a little knows how much I love Jim Morrison. Besides owning many t-shirts bearing his face, I have every Doors cd, posters, videos, numerous books (that I've read over and over), basically whatever I could get my hands on. I even took a graduation photo with all my Doors stuff. Obsession is probably what it would have been called. I called it a hobby. But, again, that's a different story for another time. Long story short, I was gung-ho. It's how I am.

So that leads me to my latest addiction, the "Twilight" series. For Christmas my sister gave me the novel "Twilight". When I first opened the gift, I was a little curious. If I'd heard about the book, it wasn't registering with me. She explained that it was the novel that teenage girls were going nuts for, that the movie they had just released about it had girls lining up hours beforehand to see it. She had never read it, but one of her students had, and she had told her it was a love story between a girl and a vampire. I was intrigued.

I started reading it a few days afterward. I started it like any other book I had ever read, reading fast. I've always been a fast reader (I think it has to do with the limited patience I have, which I talked about earlier), but I soon was reading faster than I had read any previous book, scanning the page rapidly, then turning the pages quickly. I would sometimes read things in too much of a hurry because I would get confused at certain parts and have to turn the pages backwards and start rereading to figure out the characters' situation.

I would start reading when I would put my daughter to bed, which would only give me about an hour and a half. Then, I would have to force myself to close the book and go to bed. I would be anxious the next day, waiting until I could start reading again. But, I had a new feeling of anxiousness reading this book that I'd never felt before. I didn't want to the story to end. Rationally, I knew it didn't end with that first book, anyhow. There were 4 books in the series, but I didn't have them. Without going into too much detail (Ha!), I finally procured the last 3 novels of the series. I finished the second book in one day. While waiting for the final 2 to arrive in the mail (the books I talked about in a previous post), I decided to reread the 1st novel. My husband thought I was nuts, but I needed to nurse the addiction while I waited. I also wanted to reread it slower in case I missed anything the first time (which I did). Then, before starting the 3rd, I reread a few of the final chapters in the 2nd one. I'm now more than halfway through the 3rd installment, dreading finishing it but anxious to get to the final novel.

There is a reason why I dread finishing this series. I'm in love with the story of the 2 main characters, and I don't want it to end. I've always been a sucker for a love story, even the most unhappy ones (i.e. Romeo and Juliet), but this one is different in a way that I can't put my finger on. There is something about the love of Edward and Bella that has me totally enraptured. I know when I finish the last novel, I'll start the 2nd one again and go through the series once more. And, in time, I know I'll read all 4 books again. The obsession will rear its ugly head once again, but I don't care. I just love Edward and Bella's story, addiction be damned. And, reading is only a hobby anyway, right?


Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

P.S. I had read somewhere that the author was working on a followup to the series in a retelling of "Twilight", only told in Edward's words. I looked into it, and it is true. But, before she could publish it, someone leaked out chapters on the internet. She was understandably upset by this and has put off completing Edward's novel indefinitely. This breaks my heart. My one saving grace about finishing this series (which is almost causing me physical pain) was that I would have something else to look forward to. And, now I don't know when or if that will even happen. I'll just have to hold out hope...and patience. Okay, just hope. At least the movie is coming out on DVD soon. That should be the fix I need for now.

And, in case you were wondering: Yes, I am this melodramatic all the time. I just don't usually express it outwardly, keeping it firmly entrenched in my mind. People find me a little less crazy that way. Aren't you the lucky ones? :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Watch Too Much TV

(I originally wrote this January 9 on my Facebook page, but thought I would copy it to here also.)

Although this may turn into a Dennis Leary-type rant, I need to express my anger somewhere. Here goes...

Yesterday, while reading the Fargo Forum, I came across an article that said due to negotiations between Hoak Media and DirecTV falling through, KXJB Channel 4 would be removed from my channel lineup starting at 5 p.m. What in the hell?!? After further investigation, I found out that Hoak Media wants DirecTV to pay more to them for the right to broadcast CBS. Apparently they feel they should be receiving the same monetary compensation as affiliates in L.A. or Chicago, as explained by General Manager Charley Johnson.

Now, hold the phone. I am not going shun my proud North Dakota roots and crap on Fargo, but last time I checked our largest city was not exactly in the big-league size as Los Angeles. Not even close. So, I don't understand how they feel they should be getting the same as those affiliates. And, Hoak isn't even willing to let DirecTV broadcast KXJB while they continue to negotiate. So, fade to black.

But, I write this note, not as a bitch-slap towards Hoak Media or Charley Johnson (although I think they each may deserve one), but as a loyal television viewer. I love that electronic device that sits on its perch in my living room. And, I love CBS shows. CSI, Cold Case, Two and Half Men, so many more that beam into my living room every night. I am pissed off that they were taken away from me. I'm pissed that I cannot watch two NFL football games this weekend. And, if this little pissing match continues between Hoak and DirecTV, I might not get to watch the NCAA Final Four. Now I'm super-pissed.

I know this could be a good experience for me and my husband. Addiction in any form is never a good thing. We could use this as a learning and growing experience, free from the constraints of the monkey on our back that is television. But, come on. We are who we are. We don't like change.

I just want my channel back. Right now the craving isn't too bad, but in the near future I'll need to get my CBS fix. I hope they can figure it out, or maybe DirecTV can put a different affiliate in KXJB's slot. I don't care. Whatever gets CBS streaming into my living room again is good enough for me.

I know I went on longer than I needed to. And, nobody will probably read this anyhow. But, I feel better just letting my frustration out. And, as always, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Now what's step 2?

As a footnote, Charley Johnson suggested that while we customers wait this out, we can still receive KXJB over a rooftop antenna. No problem, except everyone has removed them. Aren't they supposed to be obsolete next month? That's what a little message I see every night on KX-4 has told me. Well, until 5 o'clock last night that is.

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

I am not a patient person. I never have been. I hate waiting on anything, people to return phone calls, answers to questions, someone to make up their mind, waiting for anything. I know in theory that patience is a virtue and all good things come to those who wait, but I am not able to abide by that philosophy. The anxiousness that takes over when I'm waiting on something that I want or need completely consumes me sometimes. I suppose that makes me childish in a way. But, then again, I've never claimed to be the most mature person I know. Quite the opposite. But, that's a different story.

I have gotten better over the years. When I was younger, my impatience was almost palpable. I would practically be bouncing off the walls if I was waiting on someone or something. As I've grown older, I've learned to keep myself in control. Well, that's a half-truth, at least now I make an attempt. There are times that I blow a proverbially gasket. I can only hold on for so long before something's gotta give. Sadly, easy frustration and a short temper accompany my limited patience. It's probably a psycho-analyst's perfect case study; an anger management trifecta.

It's a good thing, then, that I married my complete opposite in personality traits. My husband is the walking definition of calm. Nothing fazes him. He doesn't lose his cool very often. If he does I am usually the culprit. When I get worked up about something, I tend to drag whoever is around me into my emotional maelstrom. The nature of the beast, I suppose. But, conversely, he's been able to pass on some of his calmness to me. I've learned that it isn't the end of the world if something doesn't happen at the exact second that I want it to. Given enough time, things will get done. It's a mantra that I have to repeat often, but it's one I'm learning to accept.

Which is why I am (as much as I can) now patiently waiting for some books I ordered to arrive. I am doing quite well. I haven't called the company to find out where they are, why it's taken so long for them to arrive, why the delivery date keeps getting pushed back. I know they will show up eventually. But, that doesn't mean I don't check the delivery schedule every half hour or so to see if it's been updated. When I see that it hasn't, I resign myself and move on. But, their arrival will be in the front of my mind until I have them in my eager hands. *Sigh*

Baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day...

I'm glad I wasn't around for that. I couldn't even begin to imagine.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Beginning of the End

I'll keep this short because I have to at this point in time (I'm at work). I decided to start another blog just for myself. I currently write one for my family, but I decided that I needed a place to record whatever I happen to want to write about at any given time. So, here it is, for better or worse. More to follow. And, for that, I'm sorry. ;)